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"We're all no stranger to the legend that has befallen Union County. The legend has it, that in this very spot, just over three hundred years ago, Sarah Fier made a deal with the Devil."


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The Slater Family had been one of the first of many household names to put down roots in the settlement.

Union was meant to be their home. They were meant to prosper and flourish in their dwelling.

But the family had faced pitfalls along the way.

With setbacks and letdowns, the Slater name was tarnished. Viewed to be unreliable and a family of failures.

And they seemed to have accepted this as their fate, growing content with it over the years.

All of them but one. The youngest Slater, Eleanor, refused this judgment made against her. Her ambition drove a wedge between her and her family.

And though Union was all she knew, the young Slater yearned to venture off of the settlement.

But Union was her home, and she feared it would be all she ever knew.

A Gaze-less Stare | Fear Street |Where stories live. Discover now