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-Meliodas' POV-

I stood in front of father and the Supreme deity.

"Eldest prince, Elizabeth, you finally decided to show up." The Supreme deity said, making Elizabeth do a small curtsy.

"I-I'm very sorry I didn't wake up earlier, mother."

"I'm sorry father." I apologised, bowing. The Supreme deity just said "You are forgiven, but it can't happen again."

We both nodded, looking up at our parents.

"Well, since the two of you was not at breakfast, we couldn't introduce these two. This is the next fairy king, Harlequin and the next giant queen, Diane."

They motioned towards the two that walked into Elizabeth's room, making me blush a bit. These times, I'm happy I have to wear a mask in public.

Elizabeth made yet another curtsy and said "It's a pleasure to meet you."

"If you wouldn't mind, I want to talk to my son now." Father said. Everyone nodded and Elizabeth gave me a small look of worry before they all left.

"Where were you this morning?!" Father immediately asked, disappointment and anger in his voice.

"I-I'm very s-" I was cut off when he slapped me in the face.

"Don't speak without permission!" He said, slapping me again. Zel just stood there, unable to do anything. If he as much as moves towards me, he will also be punished...

"I hope you at least did your part."

I looked down at the ground. I had completely forgot about that... and I should have done it two nights ago...

"N-no father..."

Another slap hit my cheek, sending me to the floor this time.

"You worthless child! I want you to get me it until tomorrow morning! Don't disappoint me!" He demanded, making me just slowly nod. Father then walked away and Zel came and helped me up.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, but I don't think I want to do it..."

"But you have to! If not, father will-"

"If I do, Elizabeth will get hurt." I argued. He let go of me, staring at me a couple seconds before he asked "You... really like her...? You choose her before us? Before me?"

"Zel, I finally understand what you feel for Gelda. I feel the same for Elizabeth. I don't want her to get hurt or suffer, especially not by me."

"But this is my only chance to be together with Gelda without hiding. Don't ruin this for me."

"Zel, I'm sorry, but I ca-"

"Then I will do it myself!" He said and walked away as I just argued "No, Zel! I don't wa-"

He left me alone before I could do anything. With a sigh, I left the throne room to get to mine.

. . . . .

A knock was heard, but I just ignored it.

I was laying in bed, my mask on my nightstand as I was resting. The mask isn't that comfortable...

Suddenly, the door opened, making me panic and immediately reach for my mask, just to see Elizabeth peeking in.

Calming down, I let go of my mask and dropped down in bed once again.

I heard her footsteps come nearer as the door closed.

"Meliodas? Are you okay? Y-you haven't left your room for the whole day, not even for lunch."

"I'm... fine..." I mumbled, turning to face the wall. Feeling her sit beside me, a hand was soon placed on my shoulder.

"You aren't okay, I can see that. What happened?"

"Nothing, don't worry." I mumbled. She stroke my cheek, saying "Cheer up. I'm here for you."

"Do you like me... Elizabeth?" I asked. It become completely silent a couple seconds before she asked "How do you mean? Like a friend or-"

"Like, would you want to spend the rest of your life with me? Could you think about having kids or a pet running around with me?"

"I-I'm only 160 and was just done with puberty, I don't want any children yet..."

"In the future, in another 100 years?"

"Well... I-I mean... we barely know each other... if we got to know each other more... m-maybe...."

I just nodded, continuing to stare into the wall.

"Why are you asking this?" She asked, now laying down behind me.

"I... don't want to become king, I don't want to leave you. I want to stay with you my whole life and learn every single detail about you... I-I..."


"I think I'm in love with you." I said and turned around to face her. She had a shocked expression on her face before saying "I... I'm sorry Meliodas, but I barely know you. I consider you as a friend, nothing more."

I turned back around, mumbling "I knew you wouldn't like me back..."

"Do you want me to leave you alone? Will you be okay?"

"If you don't want to stay, you don't have to." I mumbled, just to hear her say "That's not what I mean. I will gladly stay with you, but you don't seem to want me to stay..."

"It's fine whatever you do..." I mumbled. Suddenly, I felt her turn my face to look up at the ceiling. Her hands caressed my cheeks.

I looked at her, giving me a small smile that made me force a smile back.

My hands stretched towards her beautiful, soft wings and I stroke my hands over them. They was so soft, like patting a small animal.

A small blush was seen on her face before we let go of each other. She then stood up, saying "I-I just remembered I have things to do. U-Umm, I will see you later."

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