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Hello my fellow readers, I just wanted to let you guys know a couple of things.

● I'm changing this book's name to " The unexpected ". Why? You may ask well, because a lot of unexpected shit keeps happening and will continue to happen. Also I'll be changing the book cover🌚

● I've already started another chapter I'm 400 and sum words in but I'm brainstorming still. But after I drop that chapter I don't know when I'll be updating again because for the next 3 weeks I'll be doing an internship and my hours are all the way fucked up plus I've got a report to do ( 15 pages ) and from what yall have seen, I'm one lazy Muhfka 😭😭😭😩💔

So y'all better enjoy this chapter I just dropped previously and the one I'm about to drop tmr.🙂❗

Anyways, that's all I had to say. So see y'all tmr❤

 So see y'all tmr❤

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