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Omniscient POV

After Sincere said that, he was met by confused looks and by silence causing him to chuckle.

" Aiight, hear me out. I know I should be mad but honestly I'm not, I don't know why but I'm not. In the short amount of time that we've gotten to know each other and to know that she's carrying my kids, she's got me wrapped around her finger and I'll do anything to keep her and my kids happy" I said rubbing her stomach as she's leaned up against me.

"Bro, can please you stop beating around the bush? Cause we're not about act like you ain't just said what you said." He said taking a seat on the counter before rubbing his head.

" Man look, from what I've just experienced and heard from you both. I can tell that there's something between y'all but I can also tell there's something between her and I. And I'm not going nowhere, she's stuck with me for the rest of her life. I know it's killing you by the way you're talking and I know it's fucking with her just by the way she reacted. Now knowing the information that you now know and not being able to having her the way that you want but what if you can bro? I already told y'all that I wanted to see where this journey with her takes me. This decision is completely up to her, if she doesn't want to do it then I'm not forcing but just know that I'm completely okay with it which is why I came up with the idea of being a throuple..." Sincere said looking between the both of them causing Kehlanis to turn around and look up at him shocked by his suggestion and he received a confused face by Isiah.

" Huh? What the hell does that mean?" He asked still looking very confused. Sincere was going to respond but Kehlanis did it before he had the chance.

" It's basically being in a relationship but with more than one person, it's call polygamy or throuple. But a throuple is more specific, it's a relationship between three people." She said softly playing with Sincere's hand that was rest on her stomach as she leaned against him looking Isiah who was staring at her biting his lip causing her to blush, sticking her face into Sincere's chest.

" I- I mean this decision really is up to her honestly. If that's what she wants then cool, I'm not against it but I'm just letting you know right now nigga I'm not with the gay shit" Isiah mugging Sincere towards the end making Kehlanis chuckle.

" Fucking idiot, neither am I so shut the fuck up. Always pulling shit out yo ass" Sincere said throwing an apple from the fruit basket at him but missing him by an inch, purposely.

" Both of y'all need to stop and focus on the main topic. Acting like some big ass kids" Kehlanis said rolling her eyes grabbing her water, taking a sip.

" First of all lose the attitude " Sincere said mushing her head making her water spill a lil which made her tear up. Cause why would he do that while she's drinking?

" Nigga look at what the fuck you did, you know she's extra sensitive now that she's carrying not one but two babies. Fucking idiot " Isiah said throwing back the apple in Sincere's direction striking him directly between the eyes before pulling Kehlanis into his chest rubbing her back up and down making her calm down and Sincere mug him from getting hit by an apple.

" I'm sorry mamas, I didn't mean to make you cry" Sincere said walking towards them, pecking her forehead causing her to blush and stick her face into Isiah's chest.

" I could get use to this" Kehlanis said blushing uncontrollably causing them to chuckle.

" So, are you saying what I think you're saying?" Isiah asked stopping his movements, praying that she's not playing with his emotions right now.

" Yeah...I wanna see where this goes" she said causing them both to release a sigh in relief and Isiah to pull her into a heated kiss while Sincere watched smirking. Seconds later they pulled away maintaining eye contact but was interrupted by Sincere clearing his throat still smirking at them both.

The Unexpected Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora