I guess were allys now?

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Safiyas POV.

"ladies and gentle man let the 75th annual hunger games begin!" Claudius Templesmiths voice beams in my head. I dive in the water praying to god I can somehow learn to swim in the 2 seconds my body in takes the water. Somehow though I can stay afloat not knowing how this is though I test it out by doing barrel rolls in the water, yup I can still stay afloat. You know never mind i'm not going to contemplate this when I am trying to survive i'll deal with this later. I head to the cornucopia looking for weapons. I find a bag thats grey, pretty big in fact and very heavy. I scan over the weapons choosing witch weapon to take. "Choose the one that makes you look better than everyone else" Peetas voice beams in my head. I choose a machete. I mean common if you were here that would be your choice to right? Eh who am I kidding only I would chose this because any other sane person would chose the gun lying right next to it. Anyways, I head back towards the jungle trying to get away from the blood bath that has already erupted. I run as far as I can cutting the leaves of the jungle that block my path with my machete. I stay clear of the noises coming from beside me trying to get away from any sort of human, it's not until I hear Rae's voice that I start heading towards the sounds. I see 2 boys and 1 small girl pinning Rae to a tree. I gasp as they tie him up. "Hey, Celia pass me the matches please?" one of the boys says, the girl who I'm guessing is named Celia hands them the matches." Aw~ fuck seriously do you think that im going to give up you little fuckers" Rae says trying to break the rope with a pocket knife. "Lemuel take the knife from Rae"

 the boy who asked Celia to bring the matches says. Lemuel takes the pocket knife and somehow breaks it in half. "Aw poor boy thinking he can escape" the boy says stroking Rae's cheek. The boy lights the match and i let out a loud shriek.

 i quickly cover my mouth so no one can hear it. I run into the area were Rae is being held now

*The boy lights the match and I let out a loud shriek. I quickly cover my mouth so no one can hear it. I run into the area were Rae is being held now I quickly cover my mouth so no one can hear it. I run into the area were Rae is being held now I kick the boy in the. How do I say it. Balls. Yes I kicked him in the balls. I stab Celia and kick Lemuel in the balls as well and stab both Lemuel and the boy. I free Rae from he ropes and help him up. "Guess were allys now?" I say.

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