Shut up.. oh wait let me remind you.. you left your dinner and came here following her.. you left food and came here.. (his mind continues to mock at him).. shut up I don't need any facts now.. I.. I just thought she would need help at this time so I.. I followed her. Just then he sees her coming out of the shop with a couple of boxes.

She puts them on the backseat and starts the car again, ohhh so she is going somewhere from here.. she came here to pick something.. that makes so much sense.. but where is she taking it to at this time.. that's why you came na.. to follow her.. see where she is going.

He follows her again as she turns in a small lonely street, she then enters the gates of a building, the security guard smiles looking at her and lets her inside. He parks his car at a little distance and gets down, he looks at the board outside 'Lakshmi Home'.

He too enters inside, the security who was a young guy probably in his mid 20s stops him "Who are you sir", he keeps looking at Aadhira who gets down from the car and takes the boxes that she brought from the shop balancing them in her hand. He keeps looking at her "I'm her...", the security follows Karthik's line of sight and sees Aadhira, he smiles "Oh you are Aadhira Akka's fiance.. come in Sir.. please go in.. and congratulations Sir.. you are very lucky".

Karthik looks at him and gives him a small smile "Thank you", he follows Aadhira inside. He sees many people sitting in the open garden, they all smile as soon as they see Aadhira and go near her. She settles the boxes on a tea table near and hugs them all one by one smiling.

She puts her hands on her waist and looks at them raising her eyebrows "I told you all to attend my engagement na.. why didn't you all come..". They all look at her, an elderly man replies "Aadhira ma.. your engagement was only for intimate family.. we will definitely attend your wedding.. how can we miss your wedding".

Aadhira was still pouting "Sooo you all are my family right.. so you were supposed to be there to bless me.. but you all disappointed me.. but no worries I'm here to get my blessings.. what if you all didn't come.. I came here..". They all smile looking at her "Ofcourse.. you will always have our blessings Aadhira.. and this is a new start of your life.. how can we not bless you and pray for you".

She keeps smiling looking at them, a boy in his early 20s goes near her and leans his hand on her shoulder and winks at her "Aadhu Akka.. should I also bless you.. come on.. fall on my feet and take my blessings".

She smacks his head and pulls his ears "Ganuuu.. I'll tell all about your little crush to your 'friend'.. should iiiiii". He tries to get his ear out of her hold "Ah.. Ahh.. Ahhhh.. okay okay.. sorry". Everyone chuckles looking at them, she hits her head "Arreee I almost forgot..".

She goes and opens the boxes "Come on let's cut the cake.. and don't worry.. this one's is sugar-free chocolate cake.. And these are sugar free sweet which we can have later". A girl goes near her "Akka you should have brought your fiance along na.. we could have seen you both cutting cake together and have our little celebration here".

She looks elsewhere "Umm he.. he..". Karthik who was observing everything from afar jumps in "I'm here..". She was shocked to look at him, everyone else smile looking at him "Hello..", he too smiles at them "Hello". Everyone goes near him to congratulate him, he smiles and thanks everyone.

Aadhira was still in shock looking at him "I got lost a bit Aadhira.. that's why I got late.. now I'm here". Lots of questions were running in her head, she keeps blinking her eyes looking at him, how.. how did he come.. how did he know.. did.. did he follow me.. but why.. why is he even here.. oh godd why is he so confusing..

Everyone looks at them, the same girl smiles and drags Aadhira and Karthik near the tea table where the cake was placed "Now cut the cake both of you". Aadhira dismisses her thoughts thinking to talk to him later. He hands over the knife to her and holds her hand in his, she looks at him, he leans down over her from behind her.

She was still looking at him while he keeps looking down at the cake, he whispers in her ears "Cut the cake Aadhira". She looks away from him flushed and looks down at the cake, they both cut the cake and everyone claps for them "Yayy congratulations.. now come on feed each other".

Aadhira takes a piece of the cake and feeds him while he too does the same. Everyone again erupts into applause, the boy who she called Ganu takes a little bit of the chocolate ganache which was applied over the cake and spreads it on Aadhira's and Karthik's cheek.

Aadhira looks at him as runs off laughing "Ganeshh.. now see what I do..", she runs behind him "Ganuu stop right there.. and let me spread this on your face.. else tomorrow your 'friend' who visits the shop every evening at 6p.m sharp will know all about your crush".

He stops and turns around pouting "You know you are very bad.. you always keep blackmailing with that secret..". She smiles and applies the chocolate ganache all over his face "Now you look handsome Ganu.. I should definitely call her here right now.. and such secrets are for blackmailing Ganu".

She giggles like baby looking at the choclate ganache facial she had given him "wait wait let me take a picture". He too ends up smiling looking at her, her giggles make everyone smile their brightest. Karthik looks at everyone surprised how her one smile makes them all so happy.


I was stuck with some work commitments because of which I couldn't update the whole week.

Hope you all enjoyed the double update❤️

Tied by Destiny (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora