Chapter Four

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Carson's Point Of View

Where was he? I looked everywhere but I just couldn't find him. However, I did find his pendant. I held it with my hands while looking for Elliot at the same time.

Where did he go, I thought, I wish I could find him and return his pendant. Then maybe I could ask him on a date. After what seems like hours have passed by since I started looking for Eli, I gave up and told myself that I'd find him tomorrow for sure.

I went up to my room not before ending the party I had thrown since my parents went out. When I reached my room, I stepped out of my shoes and went straight to bed. Not forgetting about Eli's pendant, I set it on my nightstand that was on the side of my bed and went to sleep right away and dreamt about Eli and I dancing the night away.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

After I woke up and turned off my alarm clock, I got ready for the day. I went into my bathroom, did my business, then, suddenly remembering that I needed to find Elliot and give back his pendant, I changed into a pair of black jeans, a maroon shirt, and my maroon Vans. Then, when I finished changing, I took a hold of Eli's pendant and looked at it for a while, it was oval shaped with tiny crystals all around it. As I held it with my hands, I couldn't help but wish that I'd find Eli.

I suddenly heard, "1623 Sherwood St."

I was confused, who was that? What was that? Specifically whose address was that? Then something clicked on my mind, I looked at Eli's pendant and wondered if that was his address. I quickly went down the stairs and into the kitchen, eating a quick breakfast before I headed outside of my house towards my car.

"1623 Sherwood St." I kept repeating to myself so I won't forget it. I got into my car, put it in drive and went to the address. When I was in Sherwood, I looked out for the mail box that says 1623.

When I found his house, I parked my car in the front of the house and  stayed inside the car for a while with Eli's pendant in my pocket and hoping that this was his house. I got out of my car and headed towards the house, I was about to knock when I heard Eli's scream touch my ears. Worried, I burst through his door and when I did, I couldn't believe what I saw. Eliot was on the ground with a busted lip and bruises all over his body. But, what had gotten me more angry was Ryan, standing above him while lifting his arm up like he was going to hit Eli again. 

Not this time, I thought. I quickly went over to where they were and grabbed a hold of Ryan's hand.

"What do you think you're doing, Ryan?" I glowered at him.

I didn't let him answer because I  turned to Eli and told him to call 911, while I dealt with Ryan. I never liked this guy, he was a total jerk and was a major homophobic, was that why he was hurting Elliot? It made me angry thinking that he did such a thing to Eli, with that I sent Ryan a powerful punch to the face, knocking him out cold. I was about to punch him some more but didn't when I felt soft, warm hands around my waist. It took me a minute to realise that it was Eliot hugging me from behind.

I turned to face him with a concerned look and said, "Are you okay, Eli?"

"I'm fine, don't worry about it. How did you know where I lived?" He asked, looking at me with his chocolate brown eyes.

"Well you might not believe me but I heard this voice inside my head saying your address after I wished that I wanted to give back your pendant this morning," I told him as I gave him back his pendant.

"I do believe you, my pendant is pretty special if you must know. Thank you for giving it back to me and thank you for saving me from Ryan. What could I do to repay you?" He told me with a grateful smile on his, showing how much he really appreciated it.

This was it, I told myself. It's time for your to make your move. I was about to ask him if he wanted to go on a date when there was a knock on the door.

A/N: Hey guys! There's only one chapter left! It's a really short, short story but I loved writing it! Hoped you loved it as well and tell me what you think on the comments and to vote for this chapter! (:

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