Chapter Two

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Elliot's POV

I walked down the stairs knowing that I had to ask for his permission to go out tonight since he was a year older than me. Also, his mom told him to watch me so I don't think I really had a choice. When I reached the last step, I walked into the living room knowing that Ryan was in there probably watching one his favorite shows. As I walked in I couldn't help but take a look around the room , the room looked like it was hit by a tornado. I could smell Lay's, Sun Chips, and Doritos from their bags that were all open on the coffee table just laying there waiting for somebody to eat it, some dirty napkins sprawled on the floor that were practically surrounding Ryan, who was seated on the the couch that was right in front of the coffee table and rather looking comfortable watching one of his favorite shows, "Criminal Minds," on the flat screen TV as if the trash around him doesn't exist at all. I don't know how he can still be so fit after eating all those junk food like come on, every time I eat a bag of chips, I immediately gain a good 5 pounds. Like what is the world coming down to?

"Hey, Ryan," I said with an uneasy tone since he might get mad for talking to him.

Ryan turned to face me with a hateful look as usual and a little hint of irritation, probably from interrupting him while he watched his show.

"What do you want, fuck face?" He sneered at me.

I stood there nervously, not less than 5 feet away from him, deciding if this was a good idea at all. Maybe I shouldn't go out tonight, I thought. Maybe I should just go back upstairs an--,

My thoughts were cut off by Ryan's impatient voice, "Are you just going to stand there for the rest of your life and waste my time while I could be enjoying my show right now? Or are you actually going to tell me what you wanted in the first place."

I answered back, slightly stuttering, "W-well I was wondering if I could go out for tonight?"

I cleared my throat when I slightly cracked at the end. After I answered him, I quickly shut my eyes tightly waiting for his laugh to reach my ears or for him to tell me how foolish I am for evening asking him that question. But, what seems like a thousand years have gone past by, though it was only a few minutes, neither of those things surprisingly happened because he replied back with an uninterested tone,

"Do whatever you want. But if you get arrested, just know that I won't bail your ugly ass."

I ignored his insult since I don't get in trouble at all and not to mention I don't go around the neighborhood breaking laws as a hobby. I opened my eyes and relaxed a bit, I couldn't help but get excited at the fact that he was letting me go. Though I was very confused on why in the world he would let me go out in the first place, since he hated me and all, I was just too excited to question him, with a very cheerful thank you to him, I quickly ran up the stairs to my bedroom. When I reached my room and entered, I couldn't believe what I saw. My clothes cluttered around the the room, most on the floor, some on my bed and desk, and even a t-shirt hanging from my ceiling. I quickly cleaned my room, having a little bit of difficulty trying to get the t-shirt that was hanging from the ceiling, which I didn't know how it got there in the first place, but eventually got it down, tossing my dirty clothes in my hamper and my cleaned ones back to my drawers.

After I finished cleaning my room I quickly checked my Facebook page again as I didn't know what time Carson's party started. I relaxed a bit knowing that his party isn't going to start until 9 pm which only gave me about two hours to shower, change and read the last pages of one of my favorite books titled, "Marked: A House of Night Novel" by P.C. Cast, which is one of my favorite authors in the world next to C.C. Hunter and Suzanne Collins. Even though I wasn't too keen on vampire stories, this book and its sequels was just that amazing that this was probably the millionth time I was rereading the whole series again.

I went to my bathroom that was attached to my room and hopped in the shower, making sure I removed my pendant that was securely around my neck and laid it carefully by the sink. The pendant I had was no ordinary pendant, it was special because first of all, my mom gave it to me before she died. It was also special because it was pretty magical, it gave me anything and everything I wished for. I try not to use it as much because I didn't want to take advantage of the pendant and my mother only told me not to use it unless it was truly necessary. I think you might be probably wondering why I didn't wish for Ryan to stop treating me so badly, or for him to not be hateful and homophobic. The answer to that is that my mother always told me that you shouldn't try to change a person's personality because you'll be ruining who they truly are. Right before my mother died, she told me that the pendant has great things set out for me in the future and even though I slightly think it won't happen, I didn't want to doubt my mom because she gave birth to me and didn't have a reason to lie to me in the first place.

When I realised that the water had gone cold, I quickly jumped out of the shower and dried off. After drying off and putting on my underwear and pendant, I walked to my drawers full of clothes and started going through them.

Hmmm, what should I wear, I thought. After 10 minutes of going through my clothes, I finally decided on a pair of black jeans, a blue v-neck, a black beanie and my gray Vans to finish off my look. After I changed, I went to my desk that was across from my bed and started reading. I finished the book earlier than I thought I would so I just started to read the next sequel for a while, I glance at the time on my phone and realised that I had half an hour before the party starts. Not wanting to be late, I closed the book, put it back on my shelf and headed towards my door. I twisted the the knob but, my door didn't budge, I tried again, and again, and a couple of more times before realising it was jammed from the outside. I looked around my room looking for another escape and came up with my window. I walked across the room to my window and tried to lift it up but, no matter how hard I tried, it didn't budge either like my bedroom door. Now I was locked in my room without a way out and I knew who exactly did it, it was pretty obvious.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoy this chapter! Make sure you let me know what you think in the comments and press the vote button! (:

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