Shopping with ma

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So well I asked mommy to go shopping with me and she said nothing other then yes, she also even offered to buy me some shoes that was very not like her, well so I decided to we should go now because the sooner then better, I just wanna get this off my chest, we got in the car and was on our way

•Shopping with ma|| 3pm•
We got there and then we got out, we went inside and shopped until we dropped, we bought clothes, accessories, unnecessary things, shoes and my mom even bought me some shoes like she offered and must I say my mother has great taste, we got to our last store and I have decided to tell her

Mommy E:
Toni these are nice, I haven't done so much shopping unless I have a grandchild on the way *laughs*

Toni: *smiles*
Mommy you know I didn't just bring you here because I wanted to shop with you I actually wanted us to talk about something I wanna tell you something

Mommy E:
What is it babe?

Am... Am pregnant, again!

Mommy E:
Well that's great news, Toni you are one of my naughtiest kids

Toni: *starts laughing*
No I am not, what makes you say that

Mommy E:
You are almost 48 and you have a 2year old and now something's cooking in the oven again! Toni that is just naughtiness

Toni: *sneaky smile*
I see now! Well am just happy I told you and your fine with it right

Mommy E:
Yes of course I am that's the most amazing blessing ever, am guessing you haven't told the sisters yet

I haven't, and don't say anything to them mommy I'll tell them myself

Mommy E:
My lips are sealed

We left and I was so happy I told my mother now all I need to do is tell the others, I'll just have to arrange a family reunion with all of them and plus the Edmonds family needs to be there too, that would be the best way

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