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I had decided to go to Dr.Sherry's office since I couldn't stop crying for the whole week, when I arrived there it was so different like Dr.Sherry moved her office to the highest last floor in the building and I had to take the stairs since the elevators were being renovated on, I arrived there and Dr.Sherry immediately opened the door as soon as she heard the first two knocks

Toni darling, have a seat

I sat in my seat and got comfortable

Your sisters have been telling me about your depressions lately any depressions today

I have been really having a lack of emotion I just really can't still except the fact that his gone, I mean *starts crying* I've known the man for 24years now and I still can't except it, it's just so hard for me to wake up everyday and not be able to kiss him good morning or make him breakfast, Dr.Sherry we didn't even get a chance to get married I don't even feel like going on there's just no hope for me to keep living

Dr.Sherry: *hands Toni some tissues*
Toni I know what your feeling by... *gets interrupted*

No you don't know, Dr.Sherry... Am sorry I just... I can't it's not even worth it anymore, why try living freely and stress free when you know it's hard

This pain is just gonna make you come out stronger, the heart will heal when it's time, trust me Toni, and endure time

You know when I found out I was pregnant I wanted to get rid of the baby but then he told me noo! And that we were gonna raise Zeak together but look now am raising him by myself, by myself Dr.Sherry

The man up there has it all planned out

The man up there, didn't care if I was gonna hurt or heal, am raising him alone, ALONE OK!!!!

I got up and left the room I swung the door open to fast and hit it closed that almost everyone in the building could hear, I was hurting and not even the man up there knew who was suppose too...

One shooting star... A million wishes 2Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant