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When I woke up for a second, I thought everything was back to normal. I was in my bed at home in Kyoto. Takeru's arms wrapped around me tightly and close, no games, no borderland, no citizens. Just us and...our bad boy. The night before I could hear him crying again, and almost as if in sync Takeru and Niragi both looked at me.

They heard my baby boy too. He was so close and still so far from my hands.

But as my eyes refocused I realized that I wasn't free at all. Not yet. I could feel everything settling in again as I thought back to the conversations we had all had. It was finally realized that they games weren't going to allow all of us to get out home free...not this time. I just didn't want to accept it.


"Are we doing it today? Are we playing the Jack of Hearts?" I asked holding Takeru's hand.

"Yes. I suppose we should get it over with as soon as we can, but before we do that lets get some of these other games out of the way." I looked over at Takeru who just stayed looking forward out of the window. I nodded and we both got up heading out the room door.

In the lobby most of the members were already gone except Arisu and Aguni.

"Where's Himari?" I asked looking around.

Both Arisu and Aguni cleared their throats.

"She's no-"

"No. She isn't...dead. But...the Queen of hearts game is Aguni, Himari, and I."Arisu said. Arisu took a deep breath pacing back and forth.

"They're messing with us. " he mumbled to himself.

"That's not all. The King of Hearts game is Mio and you. Takeru."

"No. I'm not playing it." I said shaking my head.

"Mio calm down." Takeru said coming close to her, as soon as he touched her shoulder she jerked away covering her mouth.

"D-DON'T TOUCH ME!" I yelled grabbing the the side of my head.

"Mio!" Aguni yelled.

"NO DON'T TRY TO USE YOUR VOICE ON ME! I wanted to get everyone out...I..." I fell to my knees, finally I felt defeated. I was defeated.

"Mio. This...this won't be easy." Aguni said getting on one knee in front of me.

"Aguni...please don't."

"NO!" Aguni roared I popped my head up making eye contact with me.

"You need to listen. You need to hear this! The only thing you need to do is get back to your son. You and Takeru! I don't care what happens to me I'll make sure Arisu gets back to Usagi as best I can but you have to focus on what's important. Yes. Yes we are family and yes we protect each other. I will always cherish the moments I got to call you my sister but you need to understand." Aguni looked up at Takeru who quickly looked away trying to hide his facial expressions. Takeru, just like Mio didn't want to even entertain the idea.

"You need to understand that you have a new family to live for. It's not just you, it's not just's TJ. You HAVE to do whatever it takes to get back to him."


"If we are gonna do this. Let's play one last game together. The other blimps are practically dropping like flies...soon it'll only be ours and we'll have to play." I said turning to the table. Niragi, Aguni, Arisu, Himari, and Takeru all had the drink of choice in front of them. Call it our last meal of sorts, because if one thing wasn't for certain it was surely, that at least one person there would not be returning.

The Mad Hatters Wife (SEQUEL TO IN A WORLD OF CRAZY)Where stories live. Discover now