Funhouse Tag (pt 2)

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"A game of a funhouse." Niragi said looking at me.

"I think its the whole carnival, but we gotta get out of the funhouse first." I said.

"Lets be smart about this, we have to find the button before time runs out but there's no telling how many taggers there are.

"What do you wanna do Mio?" One of the beach members asked me. I noticed a few eyes who didn't know why they were asking me staring really hard.

"What is she some kind of pro?" One guy asked making his three "friends" chuckle.

"No, but you probably wanna get on my good side doll." I said smirking.

" I need two of you to look for the button, while I and whoever joins me finds the tagger. If we find him maybe we can fight him long enough for you to find the button.



"I'm going with you." Lei said both Kan and Niragi nodded my way and Kuina looked at some of the other beach member's.

"You guys better be fast we only have 30 minutes after they let the tagger loose." She said nodding her head as they ran off.

As me and the other walked forward the man that made the joke earlier grabbed my arm.

"Hey, you guys got a pretty tight system." I looked at him then at my arm and back at him.

"My bad. My point is, we wanna join you." I looked at the men and noticed a small almost teenager, he couldn't have been any older than DouDou when he first was brought here.

"Who's that?" I asked pointing at the kid.


The man who grabbed my hand snapped his neck back glaring at the kid.

"This squirt needed protection so for an exchange we made him our little slave boy." I raised up an eyebrow in disgust.

"Hey kid, follow my friend Kuina, tell her I sent you to help her and the others with finding the button, hurry before the Tagger gets loose." I said as he was going to run after them but the guy grabbed his arm.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked me.

"That kid can't help us fight the tagger, we don't even know what he is armed with." I said as Kan and Lei showed their weapons, Niragi's weapon of choice was always the same and always on his shoulder for the world to see.

The guy humped and let the kid go until I grabbed his hand lightly.

"What is your name kid?" I asked but he looked at the man. I gently moved his face by his chin. " I don't care what he said. You can tell me your name sweetheart." I said softly.

"I'm Hie, and i'm not a kid. I'm just kind short for my age, I am actually 24." He said smiling running off.

"That sneaky son of a-"

"Are you gonna cause anymore troubles dude, we don't have time for this." Lei asked annoyed.

"Fine." He humphed again as we went through the funhouse.

The entrance started spinning as we walked through the slide.


I looked back at Niragi and pulled out my pistol.

"We are moving to slow." I finally said running forward. Once I got into the clearing I realized there was no 'rest of the map" the map was the funhouse, and we were now trapped inside of it.

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