Guess the island is still going.

"Welcome to your next playground. I will be letting you in one at a time." The creator puts a hand on the doorknob. "You will have two minutes to set yourself up before I let the next person in." He raises his free hand in the air, looking over our heads. "Hosts?"

The hosts hand us each a rope with six colored tags that are about a foot long attached. We all have a different color. Mine's blue. I tie the rope around my waist as everyone else does.

"Your goal will be to steal one from every other person." The creator explains. "Last one to do so, or the one that collects the least in the hour I give you, loses. Any questions?"

Yada's hand goes up. "What's the room like?"

The creator grins, entertained. "All I'll say is to not feed the demons. I'll let you in by rank." He looks at Gerit. "Ready?"

Gerit walks up to the door, staring the creator down until he opens it. Gerit disappears with his white tags and the door closes.

"You can technically ask questions until all of you are through the door." The creator adds.

"Do we have to wait until we're all in there to start the challenge?" Nakamura asks.

The creator's smile deepens. "Nope!"

"Shit." Nakamura responds.

"He could be waiting for us on the other side of the door!" Stag exclaims, annoyed.

"It wouldn't be in his best interest, but yes, he could." The creator nods.

"Because then we'd be able to get his too." Nakamura crosses her arms. "Still..."

"He might be watching so he knows where we're at." Zerren ponders out loud.

"Nagisa, it's your turn." The creator says.

"Alright." I approach the door and he opens it.

"Good luck!" Yada yells.

"See you soon!" Isogai adds.

The door closes with me on the other side. It looks like a mini forest area. Sounds like it too. I smell the air and recognize the sea.

I'm actually outside!

I check my surroundings for Gerit and hurry in. I know I don't have long, but I do my best to get an understanding of the area before I choose my hiding place. I reach the edge marked by a fence, but I can't see the ocean from here. Following the fence, I see some bars in the ground after a while. I stop by and spot the demons inside, climbing over each other to try and get at me.

That explains it.

I look around again and decide that the least likely place I'll be found is with the demons, but I'll save that for later if I can manage it. I hear someone moving in the brush nearby and hide in the closest bush. Stag pops out, searching the area quickly. I let him leave just as quick without revealing myself.

I decide to hide in another bush near a small path, hoping a few people choose to walk on it. After a long time, Yada stops by, sighing as she thinks she's alone. She backs up slightly and I wait for just the right moment in her attention span to tug on the tag without her noticing. Successfully keeping her unaware, I stuff the pink tag into a pocket.

That was easy.

Something spooks her and she runs off. Nakamura bursts through a bush, Zerren chasing after.

"Come on. You sure you don't want to just trade?" Nakamura teases.

"I already lost three!" Zerren complains.

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