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Genevieve's P.O.V.

I shifted, pouting sadly, once I felt Aresie unwrap me from his very strong, inked arms. 

"Shh, dors, petit lapin. Je vais me chercher un verre d'eau, tout va bien."- whispered huskily Aresie, rubbing my back lightly. (Shh, sleep, little bunny. I will just get myself a glass of water, everything is okay.) 

"Je vais t'en trouver un, Aresie."- I whispered to him, caring for my big brother immensely. (I will get you one, Aresie.) 

Before he could assure that it is fine, I tucked him like, just like daddy tucks me in my bed, and kissed his cheek. I peacefully got off the huge seats, took Fuzzy and quietly went to the kitchen of our cute home, getting to the destination soon. 

I turned the light on and stepped on the small ladder, which allows me to reach surfaces better. I took a glass and carefully filled it with water, adding 1 cube of ice - Aresie likes it that way. Once I was done, I stepped on the floor, only to gasp from fright when I saw Mr Silvester. From scare I nearly dropped the glass, spilling a little bit of water on the floor. 

"Hi, Mr Silvester."- I said with a polite, small smile, greeting one of the guards, and put the glass down on the worktop, taking a napkin to soak up the water. 

"Hi, Miss Morales. Your brothers are waiting for you outside on a terrace."- he replied and I frowned, not understanding him. 

"They were asleep a moment ago, Mr Silvester. You must be mistaken."- I denied courteously, only to regret all I said as he glared at me, approaching me angrily. 

"Stupid kid."- he grunted in fury, covering my mouth with one hand, gripping my hands behind my back, making my eyes water as I screamed, hoping that someone will hear me. 

"Shut up, useless child. I am doing you a favour."- said in rage Mr Silvester, taking me out, tears streaming down my cheeks.

Winston's P.O.V.

I sighed as Ares woke me and Matthew up, his face pale and eyes full of horror, tears, anger, misery and frustration. 

"What's wrong?"- we asked in horror, his petrified face making us sick and worried. 

"Vivi is gone."- he uttered with difficulty, clenching his fists, making time stand still. 

"How? She was sleeping here moments ago? Have you checked the property fully?"- Matthew and I rained him with questions, the three of us shitless scared. 

"I did. She is nowhere to find and I am fucking mortified. Guards have no fucking clue what happened, 3 guards were knocked down and her unicorn slippers in the kitchen are the only thing left from her."- said in pure fright and concern our elder brother before explains why she was up in the first place. 

"It is my fault."- almost whispered Ares, controlling his anger, guilt eating him from inside. 

"No, it is not. Vivi simply cares about us and she'd do it for any of us. You couldn't know, we didn't know, she didn't know."- I stated seriously, the three of us unable to to hold back a few tears. 

"We will find her, brother. We will always find our way to our little one. The three of us found her once, we will do it again."- said surely Matthew and Ares nodded, taking a deep breath. 

"We need to tell papa. He knows better what to do."- I spoke as calmly as I could, feeling my heart race from worry, and my brothers nodded in agreement. 

Pierre's P.O.V.

I reached for my phone drowsily, hugging my wife close to myself, and answered my son's call, frowning as I saw the time: it is 4AM in Paris. 

"Papa, tu dois prendre l'avion pour Paris maintenant."- said shakily Winston, his voice full of horror and worry, making me tense up. (Dad, you have to fly to Paris now.) 

"Je vais partir dès maintenant, mais j'ai besoin que vous preniez une profonde respiration et que vous me disiez ce qui s'est passé."- I stated as calmly as I could, getting out of bed quietly, entering the bathroom, closing the door on my way. (I will leave as soon as now, but I need you to take a deep breath and tell me what happened.) 

A moment of dreadful silence hung until my boy said something that made my heartbeat stop and hazardous mix of emotions cloud my senses. 

"Vivi a disparu."- said brokenly my son as I heard Ares and Matthew give commands to our men in French, their tone full of anger, worry and hurry. (Vivi is gone.) 

"Nous partons maintenant. J'ai besoin que vous vérifiiez toutes les images des caméras et que vous interrogiez chaque garde. Torturez-les pour ce que ça m'importe, obtenez juste l'information sur qui est entré dans la maison et a osé prendre Genevieve."- I spoke as collectedly as my fury allowed, gripping the sink tightly, my knuckled turning white. (We are leaving now. I need you to check all camera footage and question every single guard. Torture for all I care, just get the information about who entered the house and dared to take Genevieve.) 

"Papa, nous sommes tellement inquiets et effrayés. Elle est si petite et fragile."- said in dismay Winston, my boys voices on the background, saying things that made my eyes water. (Dad, we are so damn worried and scared. She is so small and fragile.)

"Tout va bien se passer, mes trésors. Nous allons récupérer votre soeur, je vous le promets. Elle sera de retour à la maison avec nous en un rien de temps. Nous ne reculerons devant rien pour la récupérer."- I told my sons genuinely, being ready to flip the world upside down to find my small angel. (It's going to be okay, my treasures. We will get your sister back, I promise. She will be back home with us in no time. We will stop at nothing to have her back.) 

Once my boys had clear instructions to follows, we hung up and I arranged the flight for us before getting dressed, desperately keeping my cool, unable to contain tears. 

I took clothes for my beloved - trainers, matching white sweatpants and sweatshirt - and approached her, gently scooping her beautiful self on my lap, dressing her carefully, not wanting to wake her up because I have no fucking clue how to say what happened, why we are leaving. 

"My love."- said softly Elizabeth, my glossy eyes meeting her azure ones, and she cupped my face tenderly, wiping away my tears that seemed to know no end. 

"What's going on, my life?"- asked in worry my wife as I held her slender waist in my hands, glancing down, gulping hard. 

"She is gone."- I said vulnerably, feeling even worse once her angelic eyes watered. 

"I will bring her back home, mon amour. I promise. I will not stop until Vivi is back home with us, safe and sound."- I stated truthfully, hugging her tight to myself, my heart shattering into pieces. 

It didn't take another moment before we were out of here, hurriedly getting to the jet, being on our way to Paris. 

My jaw clenched as I looked at the sky, which slowly coloured into pastel blue colour, reminding me so fucking much about my daughter's eyes. 

My little sweetness.

God, she is so tiny, so fragile, so gentle. She has just gotten healthy, she has just conquered her fears and doubts, she has just found her comfortable bubble. I have just fucking found my angel! I cannot lose Genevieve. 

I cannot picture my life without her sweet soul, kind heart that knows no evil, mellifluous giggle, heavenly hugs and cuddles, precious and pure care, loving and caring nature, breathtaking and celestial smile, heartwarming habits that I am so addicted to, cute energised self and her winsome antics. 

I will simply lose sense of life without her. 

But this is not the end. This is not what will happen. 

I will find my little girl. I will hold her tight in my embrace soon and this will be forgotten like a shitty nightmare.

Tiens bon, mon petit papillon. Papa va venir te chercher. (Hold on, my little butterfly. Daddy is coming for you.)

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