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When the car arrived. The VK's were meet with happy smiles all around, holding up signs saying welcome and waving streamers in the air. Maximus was actually enjoying this, although he didn't know why. But he pushed this feeling down and kept a straight *not* face *wink wink*

The driver opened the door and Carlos and Jay came out. Both fighting over some kind of blanket thing or some sh*t "stop!" Carlos yelled as Jay held him down with his foot. Evie, Mal, and Max got out from behind them and stood next to the fighting boys "you got everything else, why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos continued to yell "'cause you want it!" Max chuckled but Mal elbowed him so he stopped "No!" "Give it to me!" They continued "can't you just stop?" I asked, looking over to them "No!" They both yelled in unison 'idiots!' Max tried to calm down.

"Guys, guys, guys?" Mal said, making both Jay and Carlos look up, seeing the fairy godmother and two other people. Jay spit out a jelly bean from his mouth and said "just cleaning up" he smiled "Jay put them back" Max reasoned "I don't wanna" Max's hair grew a brighter blue as he clenched his fist "Put. It. Back!" Max yelled "y-yes!" Jay threw them back in the limo and looked back. Evie rubbed Max's back making in calm down "hello, foxy" "oh my god" Max said under his breath. Jay went up to Audrey "the names, Jay" he tried to say in an enchanting way, the girl laughed "welcome to Auradon Prep" fairy godmother blocked Audrey's face to get Jays attention. "I'm Fairy Godmother. Headmistress" she bowed, Max's eyes widened a bit but went back to normal "the Fairy Godmother?" Mal questioned "as in bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" I chuckled at her words but burst out laughing when I saw Carlos's face "sorry, sorry!" Max laughed "but Carlos's face! I just can't!" He continued to laugh until he was on the ground "wow, he hasn't laughed this hard since I put one of Mal's bra's on a chicken!" Jay said making him laugh harder. Fairy Godmother smiled at him before responding to Mal "bibbidi-bobbidi you know it" she smiled at this point Max was fine and was stood up once again "yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella, when you just appeared, out of nowhere" Maximus rolled his eyes, his sister was a little to interested in the wand, he didn't like the plan actually. He never liked being with their parents and now they have a chance to get away, their parents couldn't get here anyway so there's no harm in trying to stay for a bit "with that sparkly wand and warm smile" "and that sparkly wand!" Max mocked "that was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or you'll miss the future!" She said making some some hand gestures, Ben and Audrey then stood in front of them "it's good to finally meet you call" the boy said "Im Ben" "prince Benjamin. Soon to be king" "you had me at prince" "nope!" Max said, pulling Evie back but that didn't work so he gave up "my mom's a Queen. Which makes me a princess" she smiled "the Evil Queen has no status here" the other girl smiled, Evie's smile slowly disappeared "and neither do you" Ben chuckled "this is Audrey" "princess Audrey" "yes, we know" I smiled, copying Audrey's faking niceness "his girlfriend" She said with a sassy tone, Ben looked between us and chuckled "right, Bennyboo" 'I'm gonna throw up' Max thought "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut!" Fairy godmother said as she pulled Audrey and Ben's hands apart "but the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00, and as you may have heard, we have a little thing about curfews" she smiled.

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We all laughed politely as Fairy Godmother walked away, a band followed behind her, Ben stood before us smiling "it's is so, so, so good to finally meet you all" he went in for a hand shake up but Jay but punched his shoulder instead. Ben went to Mal next and took her hand "this is a momentous occasion" he smiled moving to Carlos "and one I hope will go down in history-is that chocolate?" He laughed "yes, yes it is" I joked Ben looked over to be and gave a questioning look "you're Maleficent's son, right?" He asked "that's me! I'm Maximus, but you can call me Max" I smiled "blue hair?" He pointed to my up "yeah I don't understand it either, must be from my dad, however he is" I joked, he laughed back and moved to Evie "as the day our two peoples began to heal" "or the day you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are" I joked again "a little bit over the top?" He said standing in front of me "a little more than a little bit" I smiled as we both chuckled "well, so much for my first impression" he smiled and we both laughed again, out of the corner of my eye I saw Audrey's face 'jealous much' I thought "hey! You're Maleficent's son, aren't you?" She asked "Yeah... he just asked that..." I retorted making her embarrassed, "yeah, you know what? I totally don't blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff" she faked a smile "oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping-" "beauty" I smiled "yeah, I've heard the name. Yeah, and you know I totally don't blame your grandparents for inviting everyone in the whole, world, but my mother to their stupid christening" I smiled back "water under the bridge" "totes!" We both gave an identical fake laugh "ok so how about a tour? Yeah?" I nodded with a smile and followed Ben "Auradon Prep, originally build over 300 years ago" Ben started "and converted into a high school by my father when he became king" he walked away as we slowly followed behind.

We walked up to a statue of his, dad, I would guess? And ben clapped making the statue go from human to beast. Carlos screamed and jumped into Jays arms sometime's I think their dating I mean they cuddle all the time! "Carlos it's ok, my father wanted his to morph from beast to man" "but it just morphed from man to beast?" "Oh yeah" he said looking at the statue "well anyway it's to remind us that anything is possible" "does he shed much?" Mal asked "yeah, mom won't let him on the couch" me and Mal smiled at Ben we all walked away but I looked back to see Carlos clap at the statue and it not moving. He got freaked out and ran over to me, "how does that work?" He asked "it's a special type of metal, when a certain pitch of noise hits it, it changes its form" I informed "hey, where did you learn about all this magic stuff" Mal asked, "uh, books?" A said like it was obvious.

"So you guys have a lot of magic here at Auradon?" Mal asked "like wands and things like that?" "Yeah, it exists of course but it's pretty much retired, most of us here are just ordinary mortals" "who happen to be kings and queen's" I added "that's right. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years" "Doug. Doug, come down" "this is Doug. He's gonna help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms" "I'll see you later, ok?" Ben smiled at me "and if there is anything you need feel free to-" "ask Doug" Audrey interrupted. Me and Audrey both gave the forced laughing we did earlier making Ben chuckle nervously "hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son? As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and-" Evie caught his eye as she turned to him "heigh-ho" 'sounds nerdy, I like him' I thought "Evie. Evil Queen's daughter" she flirted "okay. So about your classes. I put in the requirements already. history of Woodsmen and Pirates, safety rules for the internet and Remedial Goodness 101" me and Mal went up to him, one of us on each side, we both chuckled, Mal putting a piece of gum in her mouth "let me guess, new class?" I asked, Doug nodded "come on, guys, let's go find our dorms" Mal said as she dropped the gum wrapper the four of them went up a set of stairs while I was down with Doug, I asked where the dorms were while walking here and that's not the right way "oh. Uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys" "thanks for the directions" I smiled at Doug and he nodded, he then started to list of the dwarfs names but I couldn't care less about that.

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Shorter chapter but the next one will probably be longer

A VK's Dream | Ben x Male ocWhere stories live. Discover now