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TW: Mental break down

Oikawa lay on the couch sleeping soundly for the first time in a while, in the living room a joined to the kitchen where Kuroo was cooking Katsudon for them to eat.

Kuroo paused from his cooking to allow the soup for the Katsudon to boil and walked over to where Oikawa lay, sitting on the floor in front of the couch leaning on its edge. He observed Oikawa's relaxed features, it was nice to see him like this, peaceful and without a care in the world.

The brunette lay on his side facing Kuroo, curled up. During his slumber, the blanket had slipped from his shoulders to his waist. Kuroo smiled fondly at the sleeping man and brought the blanket back over his shoulders.

Suddenly Oikawa's eyebrows furrowed and his expression contorted into one of discomfort. Oikawa's mind had felt at rest before but now it was racing and his thoughts were piling.

Kuroo seeing Oikawa's state of distress, placed his hand on the right side of his face and lightly pressed the crinkle that had formed between his eyebrows, massaging it in circular motions.

He then moved his hand to Oikawa's right cheek and brushed his thumb over it delicately as if he were afraid the other boy would crack under his touch.

"It's okay gorgeous, I'm here" Kuroo whispered affectionately, trying to sooth him.



Not good enough.

Never good enough.

Oikawa dreamed of something that was anything but a dream, an oppressive nightmare that slipped its tentacles around his throat.


Oikawa felt a tender and soft pressure between his eyebrows and then a softly brushed at his cheek.

The gentle touch was comforting. His nightmare didn't disperse but either way he felt lighter and less afraid. The tentacles seemed to disappear into ether. He could finally breath.

Oikawa woke up to see Kuroo's golden eyes gazing at him anxiously, his hand held Oikawa's, their fingers intertwined and his other hand rested on the brunette's cheek.

"Hey" Oikawa said smiling sheepishly.

Kuroo smiled back, however it didn't reach his eyes


Kuroo moved his hand from Oikawa's cheek but kept their fingers intertwined, Oikawa didn't pull away either, he appreciated the warmth that radiated from the dark-haired male's large hands. He wanted to be held even if it was just for a little bit, he wanted some consolation.

Just a reassurance the he wasn't...

"Disgusting "

"You wanna talk about it?" Kuroo's soft voice interrupted another accumulation of dangerous thoughts.

Oikawa wanted to feign ignorance, he wanted to pretend for as long as he could that everything was fine and would continue to be fine. He craved normality, even if he had to create it out of feelings that were not his, emotions that he has never had the luxury of calling his own, he would have the normality he wanted.

A selfish, narcissistic, and twisted man who won't rest until he gets everything he wants.

He really did live up to his image.

"No I don't, besides, it wasn't anything big I'm just being overdramatic" Oikawa replied, he sat up on the couch, eyes downcast and placed his hands on his lap, nervously fiddling with his fingers. He couldn't bring himself to meet Kuroo's eyes for the fear that he'll end up completely opening his heart.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2021 ⏰

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