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TW: Violence, Self inflicted injury

Happiness like love, is temporary. It is a delusion to believe otherwise. It is said that pain is also temporary, but it can be repetitive and that is what makes it all the more sinister. 

Don't fall into the abyss of false hope just because the pain seems to dissolve for a moment because it will always return, over and over again. 

A plate full of food shattered onto the floor and another flew past Oikawa's head hitting the wall behind him. The shards flew and scattered, some piercing and whipping at his flawless skin, thin shiny crimson trails of blood sliding down from where the shards had touched him. It stung. 

Oikawa stood on the wooden floor of the dining room, frozen in place as he stared at the food on the floor, the food he had hoped his lover would enjoy. Pursing his lips he moved his gaze to the spikey haired man in front of him, who watched him coldly with indifferent eyes. 

"Who in their right mind would eat this shit" Iwaizumi spat venomously. 

He was right, Oikawa wasn't particularly skilled in the kitchen. Most of the time he would either burn the food and create something inedible or hurt himself. Despite this, he wanted to try for his lover, he had asked Osamu to give him some pointers and had gone over to the Miya's to practice his cooking every day after school. Finally, when he had managed to cook a dish deemed "acceptable" as Osamu had put it, he decided to cook for Iwaizumi. He pictured Iwaizumi's surprised and delighted expression as he ate the food, his excited smile, and his plea for seconds.

How arrogant. 

How could he have possibly thought that he would be able to please Iwaizumi with his half-assed efforts. He should have known at that moment, that he would never be enough. He should have realized that he would never amount to anything in the cold heart of his boyfriend, but even with the blood dripping down his neck, the shards in his hair and feet he wanted to try again.

He knew that he would try again. 

Because this man was a sweet poison, ever so addictive that he would keep coming back. No matter how much pain it caused him. 

Oikawa heard the front door of his house slam shut. He was alone. But then again...he was never alone with the turbulent stray thoughts that buzzed in the back of his mind. With his thoughts elsewhere he kneeled on the floor and started to pick up the shards on the floor, as his slender fingers wrapped around them, they cut into his hand. A pain that wasn't painful because it was deserved. At least that is what he told himself. 

Oikawa clenched the shards in his hand, enclosing it into a fist, blood pooled on his palm and trickled into the floor.

If one were to observe the scene, the image of pale white lilies bleeding into scarlet carnations as the corrupt red stained the pure white would configure itself. What a painfully beautiful sight. 

A strong, large hand grabbed his wrist, making him relax his grip and let the shards fall out. 

The brunette looked up and was met with the concerned gaze of a familiar dark-haired man. Who could that disheveled black mob of hair and fierce golden eyes belong to other than the one and only Tetsurō Kuroo. Kuroo gently brushed his fingers over the open wounds on Oikawa's palm, caressing it in such a tender way that was so alien to him that it caused him to flinch away. 

No one had ever held him so lovingly. 

Finally assessing the situation Oikawa got up briskly. How was he going to explain this situation. He needed to hide the truth. 

"Hey Tetsu-chan what are you doing here, surprise visit? I'll get you something to eat" The brunette smiled, ignoring the searing pain in his palm and neck. He turned his back to Kuroo and moved towards the fridge, but Kuroo had no intention of taking the bait. His arm made its way around Oikawa's waist, pulling him closer and turning the brunette so he was facing him. 

He needed to make sure Kuroo wouldn't find out, but how long would it be before those hypnotizing golden eyes saw through him. 

Oikawa looked away and wrapped his arms around his body that was trembling slightly.

"What happened?" Kuroo-s deep and sultry voice soothed any remaining tensions and calmed the furious feeling of unease that was brewing at the pit of his stomach. 

"My hand slipped, I'm unbelievably clumsy, aren't I?" Oikawa chuckled and raised his head to meet Kuroo's eyes. Kuroo's expression was laced with worry, his intense features and impenetrable countenance seemed to have softened and cracked to the point that his carefree guise seemed to fall apart. 

They are similar. Oikawa and Kuroo. Both held onto a facade of falsity that was completely cryptic to others, but they are also different. Oikawa knew now that to Kuroo it was something he put on for fun, simply to indulge and be indulged and Kuroo unlike him, could let go of his guise,

Oikawa could not. Because he knows that if he ever dares to try, he will lose everything he has left and finally...himself. 

He would become the emptiness within the emptiness, nothing within nothing. 

He would die at his own hands. 

"I'm fine Tetsu" Surprisingly enough it was not difficult for Oikawa to lie he had plenty of practice but there was always something about the golden eyed captain that made him feel uneasy, that if he let his guard down even for an instant, he would reveal the truth. 

Kuroo stared at him for a moment, before taking a step back and leaning against the counter. He looked away; arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed as if he was contemplating something he desperately wanted to understand. 

Oikawa watched as Kuroo walked out of the dining room.

What on earth is that crazy man doing?

The brunette nervously wondered if he would be found out.

What if he found his pills in the bathroom cabinet? What if he found the small blade hidden in the drawer of the dresser in his room?

He then relaxed slightly when Kuroo returned with his usual laid-back demeanor, holding a first-aid kit and smiled before saying, 

"Let's get you patched up" 

Kuroo took a piece of gauze from the kit and ran some water on it before applying it on Oikawa's open wound, causing him to closed his eyes wincing slightly at the sudden movement. 

"Sorry was I too rough?" The dark-haired male asks gently, gently grazing his thumb on Oikawa's cheek.

Oikawa averted his eyes and moved Kuroo's hand away from his face. 

"It's fine" replied the brunette nonchalantly. 

Kuroo then bandaged up Oikawa's hand after applying the antibiotic ointment. Kuroo's nimble fingers were gentle and careful as he fixed up the bandage, as if he were touching something fragile with immense importance. 

"Don't pick up the shards with your bare hands next time, be careful" 

"What are you, my mom?" Oikawa replied cheeky manor hoping to ease the tension in the room. 

"Nope" Kuroo replied shortly, he turned his back to Oikawa and walked to the supplies closet in the corner of the room and grabbed a broom. He paused for a moment before closing the door of the closet and glancing back to a confused Oikawa who was watching him curiously.

Kuroo smirked and said, 

"Just a simple man who is absolutely infatuated with you, your highness"

He then proceeded to clean the mess on the floor. Leaving Oikawa stunned. 

"What a flirt"


I've always pictured Kuroo a big softie towards those he cares about ♡( ◡‿◡ )

I will be writing chapter 4 this weekend, since I have an exam tomorrow o(TヘTo)

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