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TW: strong language and verbal abuse

Oikawa hesitated at the entrance of the gym, wondering if he should open the large metal doors leading to the group of people that would jab at every insecurity he tried so hard to keep hidden or go back home and lay on his bed, alone with his thoughts. The dark thoughts that were pulsing constantly in his head, urging him to end it all.

He slowly opened the doors, realizing that his own thoughts terrified him much more than the hatful comments from his lover and team mates. He didn't want to be alone. Left to overthink.

As soon as Oikawa entered the gym he was met with disgruntled whispers and the cold glare of a dark spikey haired boy standing stiffley with his arms crossed in distaste, this boy also happened to be Oikawa's boyfriend of two years, Iwaizumi Hajime.

"Your late" the spikey haired boy said firmly.

Oikawa cursed silently to himself, he had taken too much time contemplating his decision to attend practice or not. He took a moment to compose himself, shutting out the thoughts that were thirsty for his blood and the spiraling emotions that weighed down his heart to the point that he felt as if he was being chocked by invisible hands. Plastering a smile that he-at this point, could not go without because it was this false happiness that other's loved to indulge themselves in.

"Aw Come on Iwa-chan I'm not even that late" Oikawa retorted as if he thought lightly of the matter.

Iwaizumi's expression changed to one of livid anger, his hands now clenched by his sides.

"If you don't plan on attending practice on time, don't bother showing up you fucking mess up everything, a nuisance like you isn't even needed!" He yelled, panting heavily as he had screamed at the top of his lungs.

Oikawa wanted to cry. He wanted the ground to swallow him up whole, but he wouldn't show it. He couldn't. He quickly looked down and blinked hard attempting to stop the tears that were pooling in his eyes, Oikawa then raised his head and faced Iwaizumi, swiftly fixing up his facade and spoke.

"Geez Iwa-chan I'm sorry, no need to yell. I promise you I won't do it again, we can pinky swear if you want." He replied in a laid back manor, extending his right pinky finger.

Iwaizumi looked at his hand irked by the childish gesture and slapped Oikawa's hand away from him.

"Hurry up and get changed loserkawa." Iwaizumi said dryly.

"I'll be quick my lovelies" Oikawa answered playfully blowing a kiss at Iwaizumi and his other team mates before making away to the changing room.

Of course they wouldn't notice, it seems his facade had improved significantly over the years, so much so that even his boyfriend who-knowing him since their childhood-had always been able to through him was completely decieved.

He had them all fooled, after all this duplicity was his nature and his one great talent

He stripped out of his school uniform and stood in the dimly lit room, his reflection on the large mirror on the side of the room staring back at him. His perfectly styled chocolate brown hair, his tired brown eyes and his porcelaine skin scarred with cut marks that once bleed red but now were slightly faded into a brown color and yet even with their faded color Oikawa saw it as his most prominent feature. A remnant of the self-inflicted pain that gave him solace, 

Oikawa slowly lowered himself to the ground and curled up in the corner of the room, the emotions and thoughts he'd bottled and buried resurfaced all at once. The tears he had tried so hard to suppress earlier trailed down his cheeks and his quite sobs echoed in the small, empty room.

After he had calmed down, Oikawa slowly stood up staggering slightly and wiped his face with his towel attempting to clear his face of the signs that he had cried or perhaps the more appropriate way to put it is, in order to hide the fact that he had just had a mental breakdown. He quickly changed into his clothes and put on his knee brace, wincing in pain as he adjusted it. The injury wasn't fatal but it could be if he pushed himself too hard during practice, the doctor even urged him to stop engaging in the sport completely. Of course that was something he could never do, volleyball was his passion and it was a passion he simply refused to let go of.

Oikawa walked back to the gym and smiled at his team mates as he was about to greet them, he was interrupted by a certain pink haired boy.

"The good for nothing captain finally decided to join his lowly subjects huh?" he sneered.

The boy, Hanamaki Takahiro and his bestfriend Matsukawa Issei had made it their pastime and duty to tear down Oikawa's confidence in one way or an other. In their eyes Oikawa seemed to be wrong in whatever he did and they made sure the boy was informed of it every single day.

Oikawa just smiled at them, not having the energy to make up a reply that would please them. He picked up the volleyball that had rolled to his feet and said,

"let's make two groups and practice our spikes, Iwa-chan, Kyoutani and Makki I'll be your setter and Yahaba you take the rest"

Iwaizumi, Kyoutani and Makki agreed grumbling obviously not thrilled to be partnered up with Oikawa, the boy himself was well aware of it.

"Got it captain" answered Yahaba and Watari enthusiastically, the two underclassmen were the only ones in the team that seemed to respect Oikawa, it made their captain happy but at the same time he couldn't help but be paranoid and think that they might be just like the others and talk badly of him behind his back.

During the break Oikawa decided to approached Iwaizumi, he wanted to at least try to say or do something that would please his boyfriend. Oikawa yearned for Iwaizumi and at times it scared him when he thought of how far he was willing to go for the boy.
Oikawa sat down on the wooden bench next to Iwaizumi as he did so, the spikes haired boy's expression suddenly turned sour, making Oikawa hesitate for a bit before deciding that it would be fine.
The brunette embraced the spikey haired male from behind, gently wrapping his arms around his waist and slowly pulling him close. When he didn't feel Iwaizumi stiffen, Oikawa internally let out a sigh of relief.
It felt nice to be accepted for once, to not be hated and to not be pushed aside. He had prayed for the day that his Iwa-chan would come back, the day that he would love and treasure him like he used to. Perhaps to others it may seem like he was exaggerating but this instant, this single moment made him feel something he had forgotten to how to feel a long time ago, he felt lov-

"Disgusting Freak"


Oikawa froze. Iwaizumi watched him with a cold expression.

"Don't fucking touch me" he spat venomously. 

Oikawa slowly moved away as if he was unbelieving of what was happening. Iwaizumi then walked away , leaving the shocked brunette to his own thoughts. He seemed to go deaf for a moment as his mind tuned out the laughing of his teammates at what had just occurred and their insensitive comments. A single phrase replayed in his mind multiple times as if he was being reminded of an unconditional truth.

"Disgusting freak"

Suddenly Oikawa stood up, grabbed his bag and quickly walked out of the gym not bothering to change into his uniform since he was planning on skipping and going home. Someone called after him but no one followed because they didn't care and they never would.
On the way home he remembered the way Iwaizumi used to follow him into the most dangerous situations saying that he would protect him no matter what. Oikawa smiled bitterly at the memory.

"Why does me loving you, always end with you hating me?"


Chapter 2 will be out tomorrow!


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