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'' Get up it's time to go Lia!"

From my room I heard my mother shout my name. I was sick with a bad case of the flu, saying it was fun would have been a complete lie. Although I have been missing school for the past few days I have also been missing my favorite reality TV show. The x-factor wasn't a very popular show but I loved it. Just watching people from different backgrounds and cultures audition to make their dreams come true just latched onto my attention. Being a 17 year old teenager isn't as easy as you think, considering all the peer pressure and anxiety we have to go through. Although this may sound like the worst part it's not. The hardest part would have to be the social media, in particular twitter and facebook. Since I was a very well known girl in my school my phone would constantly be blowing up with notifications.

''Lia hurry up you are going to be late to your appointment!''

I decided to not respond back and just make my way down the stairs. Ever since my father left my mom and I, things have been hard. I was forced to grow up with the guidance of only one parent, the support of one parent but most importantly one parent in general. All my friends have both parents so it was a bit painful to see them have fun with their father. Most kids my age have grown attached to both parents but not me; I strongly dislike my mother and dread my father. His excuse was

''I'm going to follow my dream''.

It's the only thing I know as far as the reasons go. As I walk into my mother's car I realize that my best friend Jannet had sent me a text reading:

''Lia turn on your TV right now, our favorites have just become a band!!!!''

at first I was a bit lost as to what she was talking about but then it hit me, the x-factor and those goofy boys we admired so much. All I wanted to do was run out of the car and run to my house but as I recall the last time I did the attempt my mother grounded me for about a month, claiming that I could have been injured and so on. She was always over protective but I never thought she would flip out either. I have learned the hard way that sometimes it's just better to ignore her and pretend to care. At one point she began to speak about her plans for me after I was finished with high school. It was always a very sensitive topic to me considering that the only interest I obtain would be the internet and food. No such career included both so I was left with a year and a half to make up my mind. By the time we arrived at the doctor's office my mom had finally finished talking and awaited my response.

''Lia we aren't moving until you give me an answer, you need to make up your mind too if not you will end up like you-''

That's when I was finally aggravated.

''Like my father I know, for the past 2 years you have reminded me this over and over again. What if I want to take a year off; what will you do then because by that time I'll be nineteen and you will no longer control me!''

Before my mother could add anything else to her irrelevant speech I slammed the car door and walked ahead to the office. If it weren't for her passing me a cold I wouldn't be here, I would be at home watching my show and not thinking about my education after high school. Speed walking from across the parking my mother came up to me and said

'' so are you going to apologize for being a spoiled brat or will you keep on being just another headache I have to deal with?''

Is that how she sees me, just another headache? I'm her daughter not a medical discomfort. I decided to give it a rest and just give in before we make a scene in the middle of the parking lot. After an hour worth of exams and tests I have come to the conclusion that this doctor's appointment was completely useless. Absolutely no benefits came out of this visit; as before I was told that my flu was contagious and that I should miss school, I should be better in about a week and that I should be taking my usual medication. What was accomplished, absolutely nothing.


After finally getting home from my doctor's appointment I went straight to my room. Needless to say I went directly to my computer. Logging in and making the whole process of looking for today's episode of the x-factor I was finally able to catch up. Let's just say there is a new phenomenon about to storm the earth; this phenomenon goes by the name of one direction.

Over Again (wattys2015)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن