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     Foolish crouched in between the leafless trees. Their bark peeled and they let off a disgusting rotting scent. Dead brown leaves crunched under his boots, and the cold fall air swirled them around his feet. If his informant was correct, the thieves should be showing their grimy faces here any minute. A piglin snorted behind him, and he resisted the urge to snap its neck with magic. The magician had tried to convince the king to let him complete the mission by himself, but Dream insisted he took the brutes with him. Foolish recalled the conversation with distaste.

     "I am your most skilled magician! I do not need the help of some pathetic pig demons!" he cried out. Foolish had been having this one sided argument with Dream for almost an hour, and he could feel Dream's patience waning. Dream was silent for a few moments, and the only sound was that of the crackling torches on the wall. 

     "I know you are fully capable of doing this yourself, but I have not told you your mission yet. You haven't let me finish talking ever sense I brought up piglins. The only reason I'm sending the piglins with you is because you are confronting two Enderians who have stolen something from me. Something very precious." Enderians were very skilled magicians and were known for their fierceness and grace in the battlefield. Foolish knew he could beat multiple on his own, he's done it many times before.

     "If this mission fails," Dream continued, "and the Enderians get away, I'll never be able to get back what's mine." Dream tilted his head on his black spiked throne, his expression unreadable under his mask. "You've been a good accomplice and a good friend to me Foolish. I wish to stop this petty arguing, it's not getting you anywhere. I'm sending the piglins with you." Dream pulled his mask up his face a little and smiled at Foolish. "If this mission fails, I will be beyond upset with you. If this... package stays in the Enderians hands, I'd hate to think of what could happen to the peace I've brought to this land."

     "I understand your concern about the Enderians, my lord, but I've taken on many before and prevailed. I do not understand why you must send-" Dream cut him off

     "My my, maybe I'd be better off with a more faithful Shade... You are very skilled with magic Foolish, and I'd hate to end our contract early. Don't. Mess up this mission." Dream had never threatened to end their contract before, and Foolish wasn't willing to lose the rewards that came with the it. As a Shade, Foolish had to make a deal with a mortal to be able to cross into the living world. Before he revolted against the original Riders, Dream had summoned Foolish to help him with his conquest. 

     Their deal was simple. Foolish did whatever Dream asked him to, and Foolish got to eat the souls of whoever Dream ordered him to kill. Without the contract, Foolish would have to go back to the Underworld, and that was one thing a Shade never wanted to do. So, he made the only reasonable choice, and kneeled on one knee and bowed on the silk red carpet that led to Dream's throne. He would listen to Dream's request for now, but he was sure he'd be able to find some wiggle room in the terms and conditions. Maybe he could find a way to ditch the piglins somewhere. 

     "Give me the order, I will see to it that the package is safely intercepted." It angered him to submit to a petty mortal, but he knew that Dream had the power to make him carry out this mission, willingly or not.  

     "There we go, that's what I wanted to hear." Dream lowered his mask back over his face and gave the order. "Foolish, I order you to intercept the Enderians and take back the package they stole from me, no matter the cost." 

     "Of course my lord, your wish is my command." Foolish rose and turned on his heel to leave the throne room. The sound of his boots against the floor echoed as he crossed the room.

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