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Tommys pov

"Hey tubbo you know that nightmare fella ?" Tubbo gave me a nod in response stopping in his tracks to listen giving me his full attention "well I think nightmares to full of himself . I mean! He bosses us around ! And that's why I think we should restart that prank wars thing we did as children!" Tubbo smiled " personally I think we shouldn't.. I mean he's basically dream ! Just.... More unhuman like.. I mean he's like a ghost

" tubbo lets out a small chuckle  before speaking "so what's your plan?

I give him a creepy grin " Wilbur had a library .. in that library I've heard rumors that there's a summoning book in there . I think we can just you know... summon someone and then just trap it there and bring nightmare and scare the living shit out of him! Nothing can go wrong "

tubbo gave me a glare "have you never watched any horror movies ? Whenever they say quote on quote 'nothing can go wrong' something always goes wrong" I take out my pinky " I promise you tubbo. I know what I'm doing"

Tubo let's out a sigh "alright. If you promise .. " I give him a smile before grabbing his hand and making our way to the library I stare at the wall before grabbing a specific book that opens the wall "wow... *COUGH* Jesus Christ it's so dusty" I walk across the dusty tables grabbing onto the moving ladder giving tubbo a smile " this place is sick!" Tubbo gives me a worried look "Tommy we should leave this place probably hasn't been touched for a good reason" my eyes get caught at a book with recent finger marks ..

it was fresh the finger prints were weirdly shaped the print was long and sharp . I grab the book dusting off the cover 'guide to summoning' I shoot back at tubbo

"This book gets straight to the point ! It says guide to summoning . We've got what we needed" I take the book opening it on a dusty table flipping through the delicate pages it felt like sandpaper.

One page said to first open an opening to the demon realm . I look at the instructions 'draw a pentagram on the floor with something red. Or can be opened with salt lining using this tactic might cause problems.' I smile

"Tubbo Can you get use a shit load of salt ?" Tubbo nods with a nervous smile before going to grab the salt leaving me alone in the room the feeling of hands covering my shoulders en wrapped me making me dizzy purple particles covered my eyes leaving me to hear a few words only.

"You've disturbed my resting place. Thank you though .. you found the one thing that will set me free" I feel like my souls been taken from me.. what's going on?

Tubbo pov

I hear a thud come from the library it's probably just Tommy messing around gosh I feel like this is such a bad idea I mean why on earth would be just think of this ??

It's not like him.

I grab the salt before heading towards the library seeing Tommy just standing there oddly he turns around to look at me his eyes are deep. Creepy he walks towards me grabbing the salt from my hand aggressively I let out a small geez before watching him make a pentagram on the ground with it "Tommy? Are you sure this is a good idea?"

No response

Absolutely none.. he just ignored my existence

Did I do something?

He knows how this kinda stuff makes me feel .

Whats up with him?

He heads to a table ripping out a sharp piece of wood "TOMMY. What on earth are you doing ?!" I head towards him to stop him but it was to late. He was standing stop the pentagram with the wood to his hand slicing it. Blood dripped from his arm onto the pentagram making a puddle .

The blood seeped into the salt all I remember was him just mumbling words . Before dropping to his knees coughing "Tommy?!? What did you do??? Are you alright ??" He just starts crying letting out a small "what have I done ?.." Tommy stands up gripping onto his knee "TUBBO WHY DIDNT YOU STOP ME?" I look at him shocked

"Tommy. Your the one who said to trust you. You promised " Tommy gives me a guilty look "Get nightmare. Before it gets any worse he would know what to do" before I can get up the pentagram glows with green and white getting brighter and brighter before it's blinding .

Gushes of wind come out the pentagram knocking me back along with the tables everything crashed down t wasn't long enough before y/n and nightmare had arrived staring at us blocking the wind with their forearm . It looked as if they were screaming

This was my fault.

Everythings my fault

I keep messing up as if it's on purpose . Why am I like this?


I don't even know who I am anymore .

Tears leave my eyes as I just sit there watching

Watching everything unfold like an idiot I could've stopped Tommy . I knew it was a bad idea

This is my payback. My punishment .

For messing up so much ..

Im tubbo. I'm supposed to fix everything

The pentagram gets more and more aggressive faint laughter comes from it  I focus on what it's saying it sounded like dream..

"TO%<]^!|£" it was glitching

All y/n and nightmare did was stare they knew something we didn't .

All I knew was stuff was about to get insane the whole land was in danger . The most dangerous  man known to live was now in that pentagram . Speaking to us . Laughing .. my mind gets hazy I've been thinking to much... I should rest....


Words 969


Hope you enjoyed :)

Hopefully it wasn't to boring hah leave me your thoughts ?

Things are starting to finally close up aswell as open . I'm happy for that.

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