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y/n pov

I woke up, and yet again I'm somewhere different. I'm in my bedroom laying with a fast asleep Karl. How did I end up here? What happened?

Slowly, the memories of the latest time travel came into my mind. It was fuzzy, but it was there. Some kind of house? It was abandoned or something, it was basically falling apart. I remember Karl and I walking in and I remember feeling creeped out, like there was someone or something watching us. We walked into the kitchen and it was empty, except for, what was it?

A bloody knife.
The rest comes back to me in a flash, like I was there all over again. The spirit, us getting killed, or almost killed, just everything. I remember using the little bit of strength I had left to hold onto Karl's hand. I remember the absolute fear of not knowing if I was ever going to see him again.
I jump up and shake him awake.
"Karl! Get up! What happened?" I say as I keep shaking him.

He wakes up startled and says "What are you talking about? What happened?"
"The time travel, what do you mean?" I say with a confused look. He usually remembers this kind of stuff. Sure, he forgets a lot of things because of the time travelling, but not usually the adventures themselves. That's the one thing he seems to always remember.
"What time travel? We haven't gone anywhere in a bit. What are you talking about, y/n?" He looks at me with a very confused face.
"What do you mean- we went somewhere last night. The abandoned house, after the party in the end-"

"Wait, how do you know about the end party? That was supposed to be a surprise."
Huh? What does he mean- the party was yesterday.

"Are you fucking with me or something right now? We went to the end party last night and we time traveled to some abandoned house-"
"The end party's about are you messing with me? Also what abandoned place-" he cuts himself off. He looks really worried. "Are you okay?"
"Y-yeah, I'm fine. I just think I had a weird dream or something." I guess I'm living through this day again? I don't know, this is all too weird. Maybe I can find a way to stop Quackity now that I have a second chance at today.
I get up and walk outside to see Tommy staring at Nightmare. Tommy looks over at me and says loudly, "WHAT IS THAT... THING?!??" I sigh and reply "It's Nightmare and it's not a thing, Tommy."

Nightmare, looking embarrassed to say the least, says quietly, "yeah im not a thing. All I was trying to do is be nice."
I leave them to their quarrel and head toward the exit, where I am once again- wait once again? This time repeat thing's really confusing. Anyways, I'm greeted by Callahan at the exit, and he hands me the note with his phone number.

I try my best to blend in by saying, "Um, why did you give me this?"
He scribbles down on some paper saying "you've been invited to an event taking place in 'the end' hosted by ranboo and tubbo."
"Oh yes, someone already told me about it. Thank you for the heads up though." I walk back inside so I can get ready and think about how I will stop Quackity.

By the time I get back to my room, Karl's up.
"Hey, I'm gonna go get ready for the party now, I'll see you later." He says while pulling me into a hug.

"Okay, I'll see you," I say with a smile.
He leaves and now I'm alone.I put on the same dress and heels from the last time I went to the end party, I finished getting ready quickly and rushed out the door. When I walk out, I am greeted by Nightmare, Tommy, and Callahan. We reached the entrance, and I remember Nightmare pushed me into the portal face first last time, so I think I should do it to Nightmare instead.

Nightmare is standing next to the portal, and I'm standing behind him. I put a hand on his shoulder, and he looks at me. He notices the huge smile on my face and he says, "wha-" but he couldn't finish his sentence before i push him into the portal.

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