Dark Birthday

567 18 46

Cutting , mention of blood ( no gore etc )

Nightmare . The opposite of daydream. a bad or frightening dream everything about nightmare revolves around dream Nightmare the man who haunted a women's body until today


I stared at y/n and emotions overfilled me. I mean atleast I can be by her side right ? .. right ? Karl hovered over y/n lovingly gross get a room . I sighed and left the room I need to figure stuff out I grabbed a razor blade and pointed it towards my skin . I slowly pulled back leaving a large sting on my skin shit. So I can feel pain that's a plus what the sting slowly turned into black blood dripping from my wrist down my arm so my blood isn't red... alright. The blood stopped adrubtiy a black string appeared from my arm and closed the wound . Fucks sake I'm not human at all.. I walked towards y/ns room and put the razor away in a drawer . I stared into a mirror intensely . This " human " form sure is nice I suppose I squished my cheeks and smiled . Hey that thing all those humans have . What size is mine? I pulled my pants and stared at it . This is what they pee out of ? Gross.

I sighed and focused back on her room . I searched through drawers finding things .. I didn't wanna find... clothing , undergarments , stolen jewels I soon slumped against a wall next to her closet speaking of closet I haven't checked that I stood up and opened it "ahem!" Shoot I turned quickly to see y/n staring at me tiredly "what do you think your doing ?." Think nightmare think , think of an excuse.. "uhhh well heh you see with this new body I kind of wanted to maybe possibly adventure -.. uhm maybe even discover ?.. " y/n smiled at me and sighed , "I have castle things to do so just go out and uhm . Just-"

I cut off y/n and pulled her close to embrace a sweet gentle hug. I've seen her and Karl do it so it must be show affection right? I trailed my hand down her shoulder gently stopping atop her hand I held it up to my lips sweetly laying a kiss onto it , her face became shocked and flustered "nightmare.. what do you think your doing ." She shifted her head away , her hair covering her cheeks I looked at her confused "I see Karl do it sometimes what's wrong?" She let out a shaky sigh "yeah but not..not like that " I laugh at her shyness and let go of her "go do that castle stuff . Shoo shoo !" Suddenly she remember what she said and ran off "talk to you later nightmare!" I waved back , she's so sweet.. now then back to what I was doing I sighed and put the fronts of my hair up and go on my way

( DISCLAIMER ! | I don't remember if Tommy tubbo or techno are still alive but I think they are! If not then PRETEND IT MAKES SENSE | )

I receive a notification on my phone ' HAPPY BIRTHDAY TECHNO! ' followed by a bunch of hearts , SHIT! Today's technos birthday I forgot ! I quickly reach my office and flip through the schedule techno has a meeting that should last atleast 2 hours followed by 20 minutes of training perfect amount of time to bake a cake! I grab my phone and ring up Karl , he accepts the offer and soon arrives at my house a two stacked cake should be enough right ? I look in the kitchen grabbing the supply's Karl stands at the doorway and smiles at me "I told Tommy and tubbo to stay in their rooms for awhile , I also gave them a quick buck to go out " show off "thank you! Your a big help now get the batter ready " he nods and pours the mix in the bowl , I focus on my own things and grab the frosting from the bag pouring it into a bowl white fluffyness fills my eyes sugary sweet scents fill my lungs I smile and open the packet of food coloring with a rip , i pick out a red dropper filled with red food coloring , the Liquid glistens against the roof lights I put in one singular droplet causing it to mix with the frosting I grabbed the mixer softly flipping it over and over making a light pink frosting

I take some small sprinkles and pour it in I feel a heavy shadow peer about my shoulder I turn to the side to be greeted with Karl , he has his in his pockets I smile widely "heyo!" I look back at the frosting and dip a finger in tasting it. Light pink luxury covers my tongue leaving a sweet residue , Karl looks at my reaction of happiness and moves his finger to the bowl huh? I grab Karl's wrist stoping his just above the bowl "don't get your greasy fingers in it! " he laughs "like you can stop me " he pushes force against my hand causing me to lose grip , he takes a finger of frosting , whilst doing so I complain Trying to stop him "Karl! Stop it." He smiles and shoves his hand in my face leaving me witch a sticky frosting on my cheek this asshole

I huff and take the frosting from my cheek and onto my hand I move towards Karl to do the same yet he stops me In my tracks my stomach drops he smiles and grabs my two wrists pushing me agains the wall leaving me unable to move I can't help but laugh happily now aware of what happened he smiles "I'm faster then you think you know" Karl giggles "now you have frosting all over your fingers.. what am I gonna do with you ..." Karl leans towards my finger licking it off whilst making eye contact with me shit he laughs at my flustered ness and backs away I sigh nervously "Karl... what was that" he seems confused "what? " I shake my head "nevermind... lets just get this cake done before techno comes home alright ?"

I look behind Karl and see nightmare peering from the doorway , before I can say anything he leaves what was that...

Words :1048

This chapter was super fun to make! I hope you liked it :D

Anyways ! Here's my socials

Twitter : Luxfic
Discord : ovtfic#3498

Dont forget yourself.  || karl jacobs x reader ||Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt