Chapter 16 - Deserted Island Special Test, Part 3

Start from the beginning

"I still do not trust her."

"Now, Horikita-san", Hirata intervened, "I don't think it hurts to shelter her for just a few days. She might be just innocent after all. It is really rude to ignore someone to an extent where we forget all sense of reason, is it not?"

"You guys just don't understand, do you?", Horikita snapped, "what if she finds out the leader? Who will take responsibility for that? Certainly not me. I'm absolutely against her entering the camp."

"Fine, then let's put it up to vote!", said Yamauchi, "then there's no room for fault!" Again, I was baffled at Yamauchi's rather good suggestion. Did staying next to Sakura and hitting on her do this to him? I don't need sleep, I need answers.

The issue was put up to vote, and Horikita lost out 31-9. It was a massive defeat.

"Well, then I think it is settled!", Hirata chirped, "I'll go and talk to Ibuki about the situation. Takeyama, Ayanokoji, can you both come along with me?" I wondered why Hirata did not call Yamauchi. To be honest, it wasn't too hard to guess why.

We started walking towards Ibuki. Once we were out of earshot of the others, Hirata turned to me with a worried expression.

"Keisuke, do you think it was a good decision to let Ibuki into our basecamp? I noticed that you had raised your hand against letting her in."

"I do think it is rather risky, Yosuke", I started, "we do not know how this will fan out. I'm not going to go against the class's wishes. However, I would definitely recommend everyone to exercise stronger caution now. It's a price we must pay for letting her into the camp."

"I see, thank you Keisuke", Hirata smiled, "you sure are very calm and collected, and can take split-second decisions without hesitation. I think you would make a much better leader than me."

"No, I can't. A leader is someone who can lead the class with trust. Only someone who has wholehearted trust of the entire class can be suitable to being leader. I do not posses these qualities. You're the best we can get."

Hirata smiled at my compliment, and we reached Ibuki.

"Ibuki-san,", Hirata called out, "I believe we have come to a consensus. You are free to use our basecamp for the night."

"No, I don't think so," Ibuki retorted, "I've already caused you all enough trouble, I must leave."

"No, please wait!", Hirata jumped up and blocked Ibuki's path, "this is a test. So of course some students will doubt you. But I don't want to chase you away if you cannot go back to your own class. Please tell us what happened."

"I cannot say that. Besides, you'd hate it if more of your strategies leak out, right?" With that, she started to walk away.

Hirata went ahead to stop her, but I held his hand and pulled him back.

"Keisuke? What is it?", Hirata was surprised at my sudden change in stance.

"I don't think it is wise to continue to pester Ibuki-san like this. Besides, she has openly refused all invitations for camping on our Spot, even though we have provided her full permission to do so. We cannot force her, Yosuke. It's like trying to dig your own grave."

I turned around to face Ibuki, who had stopped in her tracks to listen in to our conversation. "Ibuki-san, you do understand that we're doing this out of goodwill? However, once you step out of out Spot, we will mark you as an enemy. You cannot come back and ask for help later even if you really need it. So please make your choice carefully, Ibuki-san. Sleeping in the woods is something nobody likes to do, however tough they may be. Please consider our offer, and stay on our basecamp."

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