First day of school

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Killua pov

Oookk readers, let me summarize what happened, I'm not going into detail because nothing special happened and also the author is to lazy. Basically my 'quirk' is Electricity and Gons 'quirk' is Enhancement. We noticed that the green haired kid and his friend were also trying out for UA. My exam area was with the green haired kid named Deku-or Midoriya?- and Gon was with the blond. We have been training our nen and abilities, but still couldn't figure out how to use En. After the entrance exam, my total score was 106 points, Gon got 97 points, and the blond named Bakugo had 77. He was REALLY pissed to say the least, I can tell he has to much pride. That'll be his downfall. Deku -I'm calling him this because I still don't know his actual name and it's easier to remember - got zero battle points but still got in through rescue points. I got 45 rescue points after saving someone about to be crushed by a robot I destroyed. We got in, obviously, and we've been renting a small apartment. I have to admit, I had to pickpocket one - or many people, but until one of us gets a job whatcha gonna do?

Anyway, that's what happened and our first day of school starts tomorrow. We were at the dining table, packing our bags.

Gon: "I know this is a stupid question, but have you ever been to a school before?"
Killua: "No, I haven't. I was homeschooled. My parents taught me assassination and our butlers taught me school stuff. I've already done this whole high school thing so it should be easy. What about you?"

I've wondered if he ever went to a school. I know there was a girl around his age because he told me, but what else?

Gon: "No, Whale Island is to small for a school. Aunt Mito had to homeschool me."
Killua: "I know you told me about that girl around your age, but never became friends with her, but was there actually no one else you hung out with?"
Gon: "No, not really. Mainly the fishermen, and sure there were a few kids I'd hang out with but I never became friends with them. Like I said, you're my first real friend, Killua." He smiled.

'It's crazy to think we both lived completely different lives, yet we still ended up best friends! He was raised with love and care, his aunt raised him right. While I was raised to be an assassin from the moment I opened my eyes.'

Gon: "I know you don't think yourself as a hero, but I know you are, you know why? Because I don't know how many people walk away from darkness as easily as you did." He said.
Killua: "Hm? What do you mean?" I asked.
Gon: "You were raised to be an assassin, but look at you! Your siblings were raised the same way and they still are assassins, but you aren't!"

I think I know what he's trying to say. He's trying to say it's hard to grow out of things, and the lessons my parents taught me should have brainwashed me and kept me in the business for life.

Killua: "I understand Gon. *yawn* It's getting late, we should go to bed."

And with that, we went to sleep in our one bedroom, one bathroom apartment on air mattresses I bought. We didn't have much in this apartment, but we had furniture the owner left like a couch, TV, small dining area and tiny kitchen. We had one bed in the bedroom but no way am I sleeping in the same bed as Gon with all his sleep fighting. Last time we shared a bed, he elbowed me right in the eye and punched me in the arm! Not like it hurt a lot or anything but still. And Gon insists I sleep talk.



We got up and put on our UA uniform. I have to admit, this whole school thing is pretty exciting! If your wondering how we paid to go to UA, well it turns out Jenny, -our currency back home- the material it's made of is worth A LOT in yen. So we used that money to pay. If there comes a time they need to meet our parents.... Well, let's hope that doesn't happen because there's no way I'm going into foster care.

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