1.3 - Character Introduction

Start from the beginning

While I'm stuck in my thoughts about how loud Ishikawa-san is, another boy introduced himself.

"Hey everyone, my name is Sada Arata. When I was in middle school, I was on the tennis team, I hope to join the tennis team here at ANHS. My grades are very average so I may need to take up Yasui-kun on his offer to teach people of course if that's okay with him."

Sada is going to be popular even I can't deny how handsome he is. Blond hair with green eyes and he is quite tall, you can tell that he built well. Some of the girls have hearts in their eyes.

"I'm fine with that Sada-kun, I did offer it in the first place," said Yasui.

"Okay, I guess it's my turn hello everyone. My name is Konno Naoko, I will happily take you up on your offer Ishikawa, I would love to go shopping with you." She said this but I don't think she has looked at a boy in the class, she seems to only be looking at the girls. I wonder if she doesn't like men? I guess I will find out in the future, however, I must admit she is quite attractive. She has long black hair and violet eyes, a dangerous combo I must say.

I soon turn to my thoughts about what my introduction would be like, I need to pump up myself mentally in order to not fail. I need a few friends. Quality not quantity, in this case, everyone has their own definition of what a friend is but for me, it's someone I can trust. I got lost in my thoughts for so long that I almost didn't notice that it's almost my turn.

'Ah it's the weirdo who was starring at me earlier turn now'

"Hello everyone, my name is Kiryūin Fūka, I like to only do what interests me. Please do not rely on me in the future if it comes to anything academically, I have no interest in being a tutor. I hope we can have an amicable relationship."

I must admit she is quite pretty even though she said that without any arrogance or disdain, I'm sure someone took it as arrogance especially because it's the first day of school. It looks like Kiriyama wants to say something.

"Nice to me you Kiryūin-san, even if someone will fail a test will you not help them?"

"No, I probably won't however I think that everyone in this class will pass most of the test with ease. Is it wrong for me to assume this?" she replied.

"No, it's fine. I was just wondering; you're right I can already tell all our classmates are capable people. Well, we only have one more person." He nodded to me.

I stand up rigidly... "Hi, my name is Ayanokōji Kiyotaka, nice to meet you all." I then sit back down quickly. It wasn't a bad introduction but it sure was done quickly maybe I can finally slip out of this classroom... nope all my classmates are staring at me...

"Are you the Ayanokōji Kiyotaka that got the perfect score on the entrance exam?" said Kiriyama.

"Yes, that's me" I reply.

My classmates seem to take my reply as a time to barrage me with questions.

"WOW, some of those questions were so hard Ayanokōji-kun, how did you even understand it!" said one girl

"Ayanokōji-kun can tutor me in the future? I need a tutor can you help me?" said another girl.

"Ayanokōji-kun, Ayanokōji-kun do you want to come shopping with us?" said another.

I'm getting overwhelmed... and why are only girls asking me questions? I look around and see well most of the guys are staring at me with contempt? What did I do? Ah, my peaceful life is slipping away from my grasp already.

It looks like Kiriyama noticed that I'm struggling here and decides to help me. "Alright settle down everyone, one question at a time." All the girls go back to their seats begrudgingly. You're my savior Kiriyama.

"Ayanokōji-kun I would love to talk with you about what you think of this school would you possibly like to go out with us later?" ask Kiriyama.

"I'm sorry I actually have something important to do later, can we put a raincheck on that conversation?" I reply. I really just want some peace; I've been surrounded by people for too long today.

"I see, yes no problem I'll take a raincheck, could I receive your contact information though? In fact, can I have everyone's contact information?" he said to everyone in the classroom.

I nod "That's fine."

He hands me his contact information and I do the same for him.

"Well thank you Kiriyama, I will see you tomorrow in class." I take this moment as a perfect time to slip out.

"Yes, goodbye I will talk to you later Ayanokōji-kun" he replies.

I get up and make my way to the door and slide it open I take my step and -- 


A/N -

I was wondering how long I wanted to make the introductions, I have roughly 20 OC's made for each class. I don't really want to make more as it will be easy for me to lose track of them. I think this is actually an issue in the LN, there are so many characters, and it's just too hard to include everyone so some have to get purged. All the OCs just have randomly generated names, I didn't really think about it too much ~

As you can also see since this is class A some of the students are quicker on the uptake compared to class D. Even if they don't know about the s-system they can still be suspicious about it. There are also more hints because of OAA....

I struggled a little with Fukas introduction, she is stated to be like Koeunji however I don't think that's entirely true. I would like to think that I did her correctly.  

If you see any grammatical errors please point them out. 

Thank you,


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