6.1K 90 11

you shuffle along the pavement en route to the subway. it was a long and horrible day.

you trot down the stairs and await the train. you sit on a bench to rest your legs.

today was bad. it didn't start off bad; just a normal day. until the guy you owed money to showed up at your job.

he waited outside until your shift ended. when you left, he cornered you in an alley and yelled at you.


"where is my fucking money, y/n! you told me a month!" the man yelled at you. he grabbed your shoulders and shook you violently.

"i don't have it yet, okay? my hours got cut back at work!" you yelled back, praying someone would hear you.

"give me another two weeks! i'll have it by then, i swear!" you plead.

he gives a long sigh and finally says "fine. two weeks. if i don't have the money in my hands by then.." he trails off before swiftly leaving you.

-end of flashback-

you shudder at the mere thought of that man. to make matters worse, on the way to the subway station it started to rain. pour.

you were soaked, cold, stressed and hungry. as you sat, a man approached the bench and sat down.

the man was handsome. he was dressed in an expensive suit and carried a briefcase. he sat down next to you.

"hello ma'am, do you have a moment?" he asked politely. you scooted away from him.

"do i owe something to you, too?" you ask annoyed.

"no, nothing like that. i was just wondering if you would like to play a game with me." he told you.

"no than-" you begin but are instantly shut up by the sight of all that money in the open briefcase.

the expression on your face must have answered before you did, because he removes the two colored envelopes from the case.

"i suppose you've played ddjaki before, right?" he asks you. "choose a color." he tells you.

after hesitating, you choose blue.

"if you win, i'll give you 100,000 won. if i win, you'll pay me the same amount of money." he states.

you frown and say "i don't have that kind of money, i'm sorry sir. have a nice night."

"wait! there is another way you can pay." he says. you're so desperate that you don't even bother asking what it is.

"fine." you slam your ddjaki down in an attempt to flip his, but it doesn't move. "great. what was that other payment method?" you ask.

he says nothing and just slaps you in the face. "what the hell?" you yell. he smirks and says "i'll take 100 grand off for each slap."

15 minutes later and 15 more slaps to the face, you finally flip his ddjaki. "yes!!" you shout. "now pay up, buddy!"

he hands you two 50,000 won bills. you smile and internally celebrate. "yay! i can have food for at least a week with this!" you think.

"you know, there are games just like this one where you can win much more." he tells you.

"really?" you ask. he just hands you a card.

you study the card for a moment. it's a brownish grey, kind of splotchy. on the front, there is a circle, triangle and square.

you flip it over and there is a phone number. you look up to ask about it, but the businessman is gone.

"huh.." you shove the card in your pocket and wait for you train.

-time skip to back home-

it is 11:03 at night. you can't sleep with so much clouding your mind. your mind wanders back to the card.

"maybe i should call it.." you think. no, you couldn't do that. who knows what could happen?

on the other hand, who cares what would happen. its not like you were going to be leaving much behind.

you had no family left. you were about to be evicted. the job you worked was shitty, paying barely anything. the loan sharks were going to catch up with you eventually. what did you have left?

"fuck it." you mumble picking up your cell and grabbing the card. you dial the number and put the phone against your ear.

after a short ring, the phone picks up and it is silent.
"hello, i got your business card earlier?" you tremble.

"do you wish to participate in the games? if you do, please state your name and birthdate." a masculine voice replies.

"y/n y/l/n, y/b/d" you reply.

the voice says back "a van will pick you up at *location* at 12:00 midnight. the password is red light, green light." the phone then hangs up.

you put your phone down and hop out of bed. it was now 11:23, you had to hurry.

you pick up your bag and a hooded sweatshirt. you slip on your shoes and leave your apartment.

as you lock the door, you start to question yourself. "what did i just agree to?" you ask yourself. oh well,  no turning back now.

-time skip to waiting for the van-

you wait at the bus station for a while. you almost turn around to go home before a minivan pulls up beside you.

the window rolls down and there is a hot pink person..or is he in a suit? you're too tired to tell. he is wearing a black mask with a white circle on it.

"password?" circle asks you. "uh, red light, green light?" you ask with a hint of question in your voice.

the back door slides open and you see people inside. they're all asleep. you climb in and put your seatbelt on.

you want to ask when you'll arrive, but before you can, a white fog is released into the van. you feel very drowsy, and you pass out.

ahhh i hope you guys like this version!! i think it's better already. love you all!!

𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆𝗲𝗿 𝟯𝟯𝟯 (𝗿𝗲done); 𝘀𝗾𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝗴𝘂𝗮𝗿𝗱 𝘅 𝗳𝗲𝗺!𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱𝗲𝗿On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara