𝟏. the beginning

Start from the beginning

Not long after, Glenn and Kloe had left for the supply run, leaving Zayn behind to guard the car.


"How are you two doing out there?" the green eyed man's voice ruffled through the walkie that was attached to Glenn's belt. It had probably been twenty minutes since the two friends had left, and they had stayed silent the whole way, not a single word.

Instantaneously, Glenn grasped onto the walkie and pushed down the button to speak into it. "We're good," he released the button, the two of them stopped in their tracks to see what Zayn had needed. "Everything okay?"

"Uh, yeah. Doing good, just checking in. Over and out." Silence filled the dead atmosphere, the only sound being the leaves rustling together from the cool wind. The brunette's eyebrows drew together with confusion as Glenn shoved the walkie back into his belt.

"You okay?" Glenn inquired, noticing that the girl was staring into the soil and dirt in the ground. Swiftly, she switched her gaze from the ground to his chocolate brown eyes, which were staring into her dark brown ones.

She hesitantly nodded in response, parting her soft lips to speak, "Yeah, I'm okay. Are you?" Glenn pouted his lips and bopped his head. Kloe spun on her heel, beginning to walk in the direction the two were walking in previously, Glenn jogging over so he was beside the archer.

The silence continued as the two young adults dragged their feet across the soil, the cool breeze brushing against Kloe's cheeks, her brunette hair flowing with it. The silence was comfortable, but not at the same time. Since Glenn and Zayn had saved the girl from her own dorm, she had always been harsh and rude to the two. She mainly thought it was because she never got time to grieve for her best friend. Six years they were best friends for, and it all got thrown away like it was nothing.

"Zayn cares about you, you know?" Glenn's voice broke the brunette out of her deep thoughts, causing her eyes to land on him from beside her.

"Yeah, I know," she answered quietly. The Schmidt girl knew exactly what he was thinking. If she was in his shoes, and her best friend and his sister were arguing, the sister being cruel and merciless, she would think the sister would hate her brother too. But that wasn't the case. "I've just been so... I don't know? Angry? Sad? Scared? I- I don't know. I just hate it when he's over-protective, you know? I'm a grown woman now, not six years old."

"He's just trying to keep you safe, but I'm not the one who should tell you how to think," Glenn sympathetically smiled, causing the girl to smile back.

"I know, but a part of me doesn't like that. I don't want him to risk his life to keep me safe. None of us even know what's going on with this world right now. Hell, we don't even know if we're the last ones standing," she spoke, barely just above a whisper, keeping her eyes on the ground in front of her.

"I also know that you get mad at me too, because I'm on your brother's side," He smirked playfully, causing Kloe to shift her gaze from the ground back to him. She apologetically smiled before parting her lips to speak again, but only to get cut off by an unfamiliar voice on the walkie.

"Hello? Hello, does- does anybody copy? We heard you on our radio, we wanna know if there's anybody there? Do you copy?" In an instant, the Schmidt girl reached her hand out to the walkie that was on Glenn's belt, yanking it out. She pulled the walkie closer to her face as she pushed down the button to speak.

"H- Hello? We copy. Who is this?" Kloe questioned, stuttering on her words slightly, keeping her dark brown eyes on Glenn, who also had his chocolate brown one's on hers, often switching to the walkie.

"So it wasn't just our imagination. My name's Shane. Shane Walsh. Where are you? We have a camp outside of Atlanta." Kloe's eyes widened with shock as she listened carefully at the crackled voice blaring out of the walkie's speaker.

"We're outside of Atlanta, too. We're in the woods, I- I don't know where though," she answered truthfully, letting out a breath the girl realized she was holding.

"Well, you must be close. Because you're in range," the man continued, "We'll send someone from our group to come out for ya, how many are there with you?"

"Three. There's three of us, what about you?"

"Around thirty. What are your names?" The brunette hesitated to press the button on the walkie to answer, considering if it would be a good idea or not, so she continued to look into Glenn's eyes, waiting for an approval. He silently nodded his head, knowing what she was thinking.

"My- my name's Kloe Schmidt. The other two guys are Zayn Schmidt and Glenn Rhee."


Zayn, Glenn and Kloe successfully made it to the camp Shane was talking about. The whole area seemed so safe. Kloe was told that there had been no geeks around the area, so they were good to go. She felt relieved, finally.

An old man who owned an RV, Dale, gave the girl and her brother their tent which they would have to share, and Glenn had his own tent.

Everyone around there was so friendly. There were kids, too. How did kids manage to survive this far already, she continuously asked herself in her head.

But now, everyone was all sitting around a fire, eating canned fruits for dinner. Well, at least Kloe was. She was never a huge fan of meat, so when two sisters named Andrea and Amy brought up a few fish from the quarry, the Schmidt girl decided to stick with canned peaches instead.

"Are any of you guys related?" a guy named T-Dog inquired, locking his gaze with Kloe's, Glenn's and Zayn's. The three of them decided to sit beside one another, considering they didn't know these people.

"Uh, Kloe's my younger sister by two years, and this is Glenn, my good friend," Zayn answered, patting his best friend's shoulder as they both shared a smile. Ever since the little talk Glenn and the girl had a few hours prior, they decided to stick together as much as possible. When they arrived at camp, Kloe and Glenn offered to be the ones that would go to town, despite Zayn not exactly being so fond of their idea since it would just be the two of them, but the less people, the less attraction gets drawn.

Everyone around the fire shared a few laughs, a few smiles. It felt pretty much normal again for Kloe. As if they were all just in a campsite, greeting a few others who were also camping. There were a few embarrassing moments, where Zayn began to expose Kloe's childhood, all the memories she had succeeded with removing, now flooding back in again. But if she was being completely honest, the girl was glad she had those funny, embarrassing memories back.

Even after dinner, Glenn and Kloe had decided to sit down on the grass, looking up at the stars that were now visible since the light pollution had now vanished. The two spoke about life, all of their great memories. They then began to quietly giggle at a few memories, it seemed Glenn and Kloe were alike. Personality wise. Deep down inside, she definitely regretted everything she had done the last few days, such as taking her emotions out on her brother and Glenn, when all they were really trying to do was help.

As the days went by, Glenn and Kloe got closer and closer. They also went on supply runs into Atlanta, which was a big risk. But they always managed to accomplish them, gathering the supplies and materials Shane and the others had requested back at the camp.

Things like this continued on for the next month. Zayn, Glenn and Kloe had officially become extremely close, she was happy to say that Glenn was her new best friend. And Zayn, of course, he was her brother.

And nothing could ever change that.


Words: 3275
- 13th November 2021

Heyy everyone! I hope you liked the prologue of Glenn and Kloe's adventure! I'm extremely excited to write their story and I hope you're excited to read it too!

I don't exactly have much to say, but comments and voted would be gratefully appreciated! If you spot any mistakes in these chapters, please contact me in any way; whether that being sending me a private message, or even simply just tell me through the comments.

Thanks for reading!

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