What do we say

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"Where do we go?" I gasped out as my breath was short, our eyes looking for any ship that would be easily hijacked. 

"Anywhere." She shrugged back at me with a wide grin as I heard sudden footsteps following behind me. 

They shouldn't have been coming after us afterall we did just run out of the building it's like we had done anything. 

"Stop-" there was the sudden weight of a hand on my shoulder, but when I turned it was Georoff. "Take my ship." He nodded as one of his boney dark fingers pointed all the way down the aisle to the pretty clean ship. "It's not like I need it" 

"You should come with us." Ahsoka offered to him as she stood tall, as she wasn't even out of breathe, not like I was. 

"I can't do this, believe or not this place is my home, I can't leave, I don't want to. Plus someone has to cover for you both." He grinned widely as he crossed his arms over his small chest. 

"What are you going to tell them?" I stood up straight as his emerald eyes flickered down to me. 

"Well, you two pretended to hate each other the whole time, so I'll just make up some lie that both of you were fighting and in the process you both got killed, like a stab at the same time sort of thing, I know it sounds unbelievable, but with them it will go over fine." He slipped his left hand in the air.

"I can't thank you enough-" I couldn't even finish out hen to my surprise he wrapped me into a choking hug. 

"I know I never showed it to you Bonteri, but you're like the little brother I never wanted." he joked out as I wrapped my long arms around him. 

"See you in another life." I told him when we pulled apart, and with one last nod we were of racing to the hanger of his ship. 

"Are you sure?" Ahsoka turned to me as she stood on the ramp of the hanger her hand reaching out for me. 

"I've never been so sure about something in my life as I am right now." I stood there firmly as I accepted her hand, and she pulled me into the ship the hanger closing tightly behind us. "We are going to make a life for ourselves, I want to help you make a life." I placed my hand steadily onto her shoulder as she jumped into a piloting seat. 

"I-I- thank you Lux." I could tell that she didn't know exactly what to say but her compassion, her shocked look was in her eyes as I could see the tears that she tried to hide. 

"Now, you're in need of a co-pilot, right?" I raised my eyebrows, as I saw the empty seat next to her, followed by the hundreds of buttons. 

"As a matter of fact I am. Lux Bonteri, will you be my co-pilot?" Her voice asked out sweetly as she grinned from over her shoulder the beaming suns rays fluttering into her endless blue eyes. 

"I will, Ahsoka Tano." It was like a promise, our new promise such as the one we had made so many rotations ago. 

I hopped into the seat next to her, and by her lead we flew off, and at once we placed our hands on top of each other, and the streaks of blue, dark and light raised in front of our eyes, and my I haven't seen them in so long, I hadn't felt that rush of lightspeed in the longest time, that feeling of an open world. 

The galaxy was all ours. 

It was ours's to explore. 

Isn't it funny, how the things we don't say, can lead us to endless possibilities of a future? 

Thank you so much for reading this!! Ahh sorry if this was too short, if you want like a part two just let me know because I was actually going to make this longer than it was :) 

Love you all so much, and thank you so much for your support 

May the force be with you <3

Luxsoka-The Things we don't SayWhere stories live. Discover now