Spice of Life

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"What are you doing?"


"Ok-" his hands reached for my shoulders as he pinned me against the steel wall that followed after the hallway. "I know what you're doing-"

"Mm, but do you?" He teased me as he drew his face in closer to mine his breathe warm against my cheek.

"Right after a professional meeting, your dirty Bonteri." I joked with him as my fingers traced around the natural curves of his arm.

"Don't you mean yourself?" His tone wasn't sharp, or loud, for it fell into a seductive whisper.

"Just shut up and kiss me." I placed a finger to his soft lips as I drew in his scent, my breath already getting heavy.

"Ahsoka-" He took a breath before his lips were on mine before I could even realized I was devouring his face, why did I find him so addictive? Why was he the only thing I wanted?

"Ahsoka?" He pulled away, his breath sharp as his hands stayed put on my shoulders.

"What is it?" My eyes traced to find an answer in his, as his lips trembled the slightest.

His lips finding their way back up to me

"We have another meeting." His voice went low as the warmth of his lips traveled down to my neck.

"What if we skip it?" I questioned, my breath against his ear, as his head dove into the crook of my neck.

"We can't skip it- they can't find out-"

"I don't know how they haven't already." I braced my hands around the outline of his shoulder blades, His lips finding their way back up to me.

"Well I guess we are just great actors, or they are clueless, I mean they are the Empire, and of course they came up with the whole big plan, but let's be honest they really aren't the smartest." Lux chuckled briefly, and it made me grin, for his laugh it was adorable, it was sweet, and I couldn't help but giggle under my breath. "Believe me I wish I could just stay here with you forever." His hands briefly touched against my montrals, his hands soft and addictive on my skin, as he traced each pattern of blue.

"Would you now?" I questioned him with a giggle as I pushed him away form me in the slightest.

"Of course, but then ok, you are pretty bad." He teased as he followed me, his hand grabbing mine as it fell down towards my waste.

"I'm not sure if I know what you mean, sir." I turned forwards as my feet began to back him up to the wall as he stood on his heels, my hand on his chest.

"Well of course this goes against the Jedi code-"

I placed my finger on his lips, his scent drawing into my lungs like a drug. "The code never said anything against making out." I titled my head as I teased him. He began to lean in once more as my finger held up his chin, but with a spin of my body, I flicked him away.

"Now, now, now, we have a meeting, don't be like that. We hate each other remember?" I turned back to look at him for a moment as he rolled his eyes jokingly before I walked away.

I stalked down the hallway, until I slid in through the meeting room doors, I was a minute late, and their eyes looked at me like I was a target for practice.

"Sorry I'm late, sometimes you just have to sit done and think about how many ways you can murder your co-worker." The shar tone to my voice struck the man next to me as I sat down, one of my legs crossing over the other with a sense of dark power.

"I'M HERE!" Lux burst in through the room out of breath, as he put on an act.

"Oh Bonteri, you won't murdered, good to hear." The man at the board grinned back at him, but when he turned away eh muttered under his breathe. "It wouldn't be such a bad thing if one day you just didn't show."

"There's one seat left, Bonteri." Georoff joked form the other side of the table as I looked besides me, that seat being the one right next to me.

His gray eyes flashed form Geroroff to the chair as he tightened his fist by his side.

"Does anyone mind moving?" He tried to stand up tall as he clenched his jaw

"Not for you Bonteri." Another male laughed from near him, as the rest of them laughed, and I just sat there with a cold look.

"Fine." he huffed before his feet raced to the chair and sat down next to me, and on the outside we were huffing, we were glaring, but on the inside we were grinning, as we touched feet on the floor.

"So I've been thinking, what if we take into a bigger plan, find some kind of plant to mass attack, all of us, this is an assignment. We are all set up on this base for a reason, so why don't we do something like attack and patrol the civilians?" Berqe barked out as his voice was deeper than anyone could really understand.

"You have a point, fear is something we should entitle into the people, that's basically how the empire works if I am correct." I pitched up as I leaned back in my chair with my arms crossed around my low cut shirt, as if I owned the place.

"Oh like you should speak." Lux rolled his eyes next to me as Berqe shot him a frustrated look.

"Why, do you have a better idea or something, Bonteri?" He placed his hands on the end of the long oval polished table as Lux's eyes shot towards him in frustration.

"No-" He hung his head with slight embarrassment as I faked a laugh beside him.

"You're learning quickly Tano." He nodded his head towards me as he turned to the board to write down the main points, and with an uncomfortable squeak of the royal purple marker, the bullet :Fear was written. 

"Hardly, she's just a weapon, why are we asking for her opinion anyways!?" Lux almost slipped up by laughing at himself as he preformed his little complaint.

"Some people have multiple skills, unlike you Bonteri." he coughed before he shook his head.

"You can say that again!" I raised my voice as I crossed one of my legs over the other with an attitude.

"Anyways, where were we-?" He turned back to the board and just like that he began again, my eyes glanced over at Lux and he didn't look towards me, he just kept his face forwards. 

May the Force be with you <3

Luxsoka-The Things we don't SayUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum