*Minutes later*

After passing the security check, I wait for the bus to arrive at the stop. A few moments pass before I get on, sitting in the front as I put in my earbuds, listening to M83 - The Great Journey. I feel at peace, I feel clarity, as if nothing can stop me. The motion of passing city lights as my stop comes closer and closer. Maybe I don't have to do this- *electricity crackles*

"Her name is [REDACTED], complaints from baby sitting services, multiple evidence from cameras of her sexual deviations. Lives in [REDACTED], [REDACTED]. She will be well-protected, in a police escort." My inner monologue voice says as I stand on top of a fifteen story apartment building, seeing seven police sirens with one van in the middle. A large suitcase brought with me is opened, inside is a black sniper prototype, I call it the "The Long Arm Taser."

The Long Arm Taser is one of my finer weapons, with the range of a regular compression system but shoots a small projectile that emits a magnetic pulse once activated. I aim at the van, firing into its radiator, not piercing it before I tap on my arm a few times. The van shuts down immediately before I drill a large hole into the concrete roof before my feet, setting a grapple hook inside, then tying a cable rope that is hooked to my night attire. As I jump, the fear disappears, the anxiety melts as I am free for a few moments. I land on my feet, making sure to bend my knees before I jump onto the first car and ring out the first two shots.

The squad cars get in formation before I duck for cover, holstering my weapon before I unsheathe my katana in the brisk night, with a swift move I run on the roof, stabbing the first officer in his chest and ending him with a quick slap across his throat with my sword. Other officers follow suit to shoot, but I am too fast. I duck behind a nearby parked car and wait, patiently.

*The felon POV*

The van suddenly stops, with a grin appearing on my face as my men are approaching to break me out. Until the radio blares,

"Two dead officers, one suspect, wearing a black outfit and wielding a sword--

The radio scrambles, now blaring a blood curdling scream. The guards near me look at each other before nodding in agreement. They pull the latch toward them as the door opens before they hop out, grabbing me by my handcuffs. We all breathe heavily as we see bodies and bloody on the pavement, the lights wailing on.

"What the--" One of the guards utters before his throat is slit.

He grasps at his throat, falling over face first as he uses his other arm is laying in front of him. As I follow in the direction of his arm, we see it. A figure with a respirator, matte black with a reflective ski mask over its eyes. It covered its head with a hoodie while looking down, its torso dark grey with a holster for a handgun. The guard next to me unlatches his gun and opens fire on this thing, but it disappeared with a blink of an eye.


The sound of its sword made as it was impaled through the last guard. The guard with his eyes wide open, tears down his face cries as it grabs the sword but it is too fast before kicking the guard off it. It flings the sword away fron the dying guard, his blood splatters on my shoes before it tilts its head.

*My POV*

The sword, I jammed it onto his chest, twisting it before I heard his final breathe. Kicking him off before wiping the blood with a swipe of my wipe. The criminal, with intrigue doesn't flee, an unexpected possibilty. I look at him, my eyes set on his as I sheathe my blade back into its home, unbuckle my gun holster and fire one bullet into his skull. He collapses, a job finished. The street was bloody, it is was silent as I disappeared. I risked being seen, all for what, a rush? Im not this sloppy, I never am, so why am I being sloppy now?

*Some time later*

Night bestows unto as I lay on this comfortable bouncy mattress. The night sky glistening with stars, the bright brown orange moon shining its luminous light through the sky window pane. Here, laying a changed man, surrounded by simple phrases. I lay on this mattress, my legs twirled on top of the other, my arms to my side. A blanket covering me from the bitter coldness of the winter nights to come more fierce. It is a silent night, without even the sounds of crickets clicking or floorboards squealing. Tomorrow is a new day, tomorrow is the day of work.

"You're forgetting something." My inner voice says.

I pay no mind to my inner voice, my subconscious as it is both my better half and worse half. The dreaded slow decay of the blue painted walls of decades unmaintained. The bicycle at the foot of my bed, the dresser with a mirror staring at me from all directions, what did I miss? I cleaned the blood off of my sword, dipped it in bleach and cleaning solution, washed off the talcum powder from my gloves and palm, while also designing the new draft of the V.A.W.T system. Did I really forget something or was my subconscious warning me of impeding doom? All I know is November is no longer here; we are entering the last month of this year. Another year of lies, sin, and relapse for billions of people.

"Inject 200 miligrams; R.E.M sleep" I say, as I say every night to rest my body as the sleep process begins...

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2021 ⏰

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