Chapter 2

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(Two weeks later)

"So, kiddies, how's your projects doing so far?" Jessi asks as she writes on the whiteboard.

The only times Lia and Yeji actually talk to one another is to be cruel to the other, which is very often. Whenever they pass each other they make some sort of comment. More often then not it's a sarcastic one.

"Oh, it's going great." Yeji says and rolls her eyes. It's not going great, neither of them have even thought about it, as they assume Miss Ho will let them do the project on their own.

"I'm so glad!! And looking forward to seeing them!!!" She looks over at Lia and Yeji and winks. "Oh, did I forget to mention this project counts for SEVENTY PERCENT of your grade?" I swear she just made that up, Yeji thinks to herself as she scoots her stool even further away from Lia.

"Doubt that stool with move any further Miss Hwang!" Jessi sings as she writes on the whiteboard. "You two haven't started the assignment yet?" She turns round, and so do all the other students.

"No. And we don't plan on doing it." Lia flicks her hair back in an incredibly sassy manner. What a bitch.

Jessi raises her eyebrow. "That's an automatic detention, young miss. I hope you know you WILL be doing it." She says, while walking over to her desk.

Lia sighs furiously. "But Miss Ho, I don't like Yeji." She whines, and Yeji rolls her eyes. Per-THETIC.

"Well, I am sorry to hear that, but it makes no difference. Had you let me know sooner I could've swapped groups around!!" She laughs and winks, causing the other student to giggle.

Lia, fuming with anger, curls her fists into tight balls while Yeji is just pure annoyed, but then becomes highly entertained. Lia is very funny when she's angry, she realises as she enjoys the view. Lia catches Yeji's amused smile and becomes even more angry, making Yeji smile harder.

"Oh for God's sake, just let me BE." She grabs her bag and coat and storms off to the vacant desk at the back of the room. For some reason Yeji can't help but smile.

"Is there a problem, Miss Choi?" Miss Ho eyes Lia.

"YEAH! I HATE HWANG YEJI AND I REFUSE TO DO A MOTHERFUCKING PROJECT WITH HER!!" She screams and runs out the classroom, leaving her stuff behind. After a few seconds of about what to do, Yeji gets up and runs after her.

Lia is hiding in a bush near the science labs." Fuck off, Yeji," she says.

"Oh my God, are you crying?" Yeji says this because she knows it'll annoy her, therefore she'll come back to the lesson. But Lia doesn't know this - she just thinks Yeji is trying to wind her up like usual.

It works. She gets up and barges past Yeji. "Ow." Yeji says as she follows her back.

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