Chapter 23- Azrael

Start from the beginning

It's pin drop silent as we stare eachother down, "We need to talk." He hesitates, glancing at the road behind him.

"So talk." I hiss, glaring at him with fire in my eyes.

"Watch your tone with me, kid." He threatens, his tone low with warning.

I laugh in his face, "Fuck you."

"Azrael..." Lucio warns, his eyes telling me to relax but I don't give a shit. I didn't care if I was being disrespectful. He wasn't here. He doesn't know what I went through. He doesn't know what I did and he doesn't know me. Not anymore. So he could rot in hell for all I care.

Santiago doesn't back down, "That's how you talk to the people who care about you? You're father would be disappointed." He states, his eyes flickering with disappointment as both Loki and Lucio tense up.

"Watch it, asshole." Lucio warns, sneering at my uncle with disdain.

Usually, I wouldn't care. Usually I would laugh it off and walk away like I did with Chloe but this was my Tio. Someone I looked up to as a kid and it hurt like hell to hear those words come from him, to bad he didn't know how much of a bitch I've become over the years because my words hit harder.

"Fuck you!" I scream, "You think I don't fucking know that?" I cry, "What about you, asshole? Huh?" I taunt, "You ever think about how disappointed he'll be when he finds out you forgot about us? How do you think he'll feel to know his own brother left his kids for dead!" I sob, watching his face drop, "Hurts, doesn't it?" I sneer, "You have no idea what I've been through and that's okay. I was okay with that. I accepted the fact that you didn't want the responsibility but you could've called or wrote a letter or something." I finish, oblivious to the way Lucio holds me back.

His face is blank as he stares back at me, "You're father is coming back." He bluntly says, "Sometime today or tomorrow but I wanted to give you a heads up."

"YOU'RE LYING!" I screech, trying to escape Lucio's hold, "I hate you! I hate you! I hate you!" I cry out, "You forgot about us! You told papá you wouldn't!" I continue, hysterical. I didn't even know if i was breathing properly, Lucio was saying something but I couldn't hear him as I watch Santiago come closer, ignoring everything coming out of my mouth.

He grabs hold of my face, "Breathe." He demands, "And listen to me." He moves the hair away from my face, a fatherly touch that has me wishing mine was here, "I didn't forget about you or your brother, you don't see it now but you will." He explains, "I love you, Mija. So much. You don't even know how jealous I was of your father because he had the sweetest little girl ever. It hurt me to have to stay away but I did so that you can be safe." He sighs, using his thumbs to wipe my tears.

"But I wasn't." I whimper.

His eyes flash with sorrow, "I didn't know. I swear." He promises, "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, niña." He apologizes, "But he's coming and I promise you that he's here to stay. You're mother is going to pay." He kisses my forehead, "Give you're brother a hug and a kiss for me, yeah?" I don't respond, only watch as he makes his way back to his truck.

He turns towards us once more, his eyes glancing between Loki and Lucio, "You come between me and my brother's kids again and I'll beat the shit out of you." He threatens, his eyes narrowing, "I don't give a shit about how much I care about you, don't do it again." He finalizes and then he's off with his truck and we all stand in silence.

Lucio's lips find my temple as I lean into him, my body shaking and begging for comfort, "You okay?" He mutters quietly, analyzing my face as I avoid eye contact with him, "Look at me." He demands and when I do he frowns, "I hate when you cry." He whispers, his thumb rubbing my jaw soothingly.

"Me too." I murmur, tiredly when he leans down to press a soft kiss against my lips.

" I murmur, tiredly when he leans down to press a soft kiss against my lips

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Author's Note -

HELLO AGAIN ! I've decided to update again just because I want to get into there past so much but also because I've been working on Loki's book and I'm just so excited 😭


Anyways, let me explain this chapter. SO NOW THAT WE'VE MET SANTIAGO let me explain his character a bit so that it makes sense. Earlier in the story there was a flashback of Mateo telling Lucio to stay away from Santiago because he lived a dangerous life but REMEMBER when he also said if he wasn't around to keep him safe then Santiago would make sure he were safe.

Azrael is angry because SANTIAGO BROKE THAT PROMISE, there will be another flash back where you see Mateo and Santiago chatting about it but yeah. Santiago reason is a pretty good one but I think Azrael is right to be mad, a call or text wouldn't have hurt anyone.



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