𝟒: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐯𝐚𝐜𝐜𝐢𝐧𝐞

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(Time skip to after you fought nemesis, again...)


You watched the body of that thing drop to the ground. "Stay dead, you fucker." Walking over its arm you would try and reach Carlos on the radio. "Bad signal.." you'd say to yourself. And just as you were going to leave that shit hear gets back up. It grabbed you by the leg and you tried shooting it. Nothing effected it. You noticed a gate above the creature and shot the chains holding it up and surprisingly it cut its arm off.

You'd try and make a run for it but the monster grew another arm and shot something into your arm. You'd collapse onto the floor and start coughing rapidly until you passed out.


Roughly around half a day later...
(Carlos's perspective)

After searching the city for more clues about this vaccine, I found Y/N's body laying on the floor in an alleyway. I ran up to her to see if she's alright. "Y/N! Hey, answer me!" I rested her on my knee. "God damn it!" I got my radio out and talked to Tyrell.

"Tyrell, do you copy?" I waited for an answer. "What's going on?" My coworker asked. "Y/N's been infected, I'm taking her to the hospital! Maybe Dr. Bard can save her!" "Alright, I'll meet you there."

I lifted up Y/N's body and managed to get her onto my back. "You hang in there, supercop. I got ya." I would start running to the city's hospital.

- at the hospital-

I opened the doors to the emergency room. I placed Y/N's body onto one of the beds. I couldn't help but feel like this was partially my fault that this happened to her. If only I had of kept her with me. "Fight it, Y/N. I'm gonna get you that vaccine."

I looked over to her one last time and decided to place a blanket over her, just so she would stay warm. "You're gonna be okay, I promise."

I exited the room and talked to Tyrell again. "Tyrell, where's Bard now?" "Gotta be on the lab in the back. Stay frosty. I'm on my way." "Copy, I'll go on ahead."

Around an hour later...

I got the vaccine sample and rushed back into the emergency room. I pulled it out from my pockets and injected it into Y/N's arm. "C'mon.. this shit better work."

For the meantime, I sat in the room for a while with Y/N. I couldn't let anything bad happen to her, not on my watch.

Not long after Tyrell came bursting through the doors. He didn't seem too good himself. "Jesus. Tyrell. What the hell happened?" I'd ask him. Tyrell grabbed the remote for the tv and switched it on. An emergency alert system would play.

"Attention all citizens. The contagion spreading throughout the city has been designated uncontainable. On October 1st, Racoon City will be completely destroyed in a missile strike. All residents capable of rational thought are urged to evacuate immediately. This is not a test." And the same audio clip would be played again.

"Man that's only a day away. There's still people in the city!" I said, firmly. "You think Uncle Sam gives a shit? Fuck, here they come." Just as Tyrell would stand up, I stoped him. "Now you sit tight, I got this."

𝐒𝐮𝐩𝐞𝐫 𝐂𝐨𝐩 || 𝐂𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐨𝐬 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt