~ Chapter 13 ~

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"Do you trust me or not?" Pansy stood in front of me, hands on her hips.

"Yes, but..." I tugged at the material around my waist. "...isn't this, a bit too much?" I asked, feeling my breath fighting for room in my chest.

"Y/n, stop talking ok?" she fussed with my hair, pulling some of the strands to sit precariously on my head. "I think a half-up style would be perfect with this dress" she smiled. Pansy continued to play with certain areas of the dress, pinching and tugging at different parts.

"Wouldn't a light pink be less, you know, in-your-face?" I asked, watching her eyes as they roamed over my hair. She took a step back, tilting her head and biting lightly on her thumb.

"Not pink" she said plainly.

"Why not pink, it's a lovely colour" I pleaded.

"Yes it is" she agreed. "But not on someone as pale as you, you would disappear".

I scoffed but, I knew she had a point.

"This is the one" she clasped her hands together before pushing me into the center of the dress shop. "We'll take this one please!" she waved to the petite witch behind a rack of dresses in the corner.

"Pansy, I can't afford this dress!" I hissed, trying not to be heard. "I look way too old, and this just feels..." I faced the long mirror against the wall. "It just feels too formal and too grown up for a school ball" I admitted. I felt amazing in this dress, I truly did, but this would only give people something to gossip about. It was not the sort of colour I would have chosen for myself, and the cut was inching too close to my breasts, exposing the top of my sternum.

I saw her approaching my side in the reflection of the mirror. She stood beside me and admired the dress some more, her lips scrunched into a harsh pout.

"I'm getting it for you then" she stated, returning to her position next to the counter.

"What no-"

"Good afternoon Ladies" a voice that dripped like honey. "My, what an incredible gown" the slim customer glided between myself and Pansy. Her pale skin was complimented by her luxurious taste in clothes, a steel-grey business suit, fitting her figure perfectly. She had streaks of platinum blonde and dark brunette hair, styled innocently with her red lipstick.

"Hello Mrs. Malfoy" Pansy strides over to the woman.

Mrs. Malfoy? Not another Malfoy family member, please.

"Pansy, my dear. How are your family?" she sounded so sweet, but knowing she was a Malfoy only made me curious as to how genuine this really was.

The two of them continued to chat, and so I took the opportunity to change back into my normal clothes. I suddenly felt so much uglier than normal now I had changed out of the dress, and almost embarrassed for Draco's mother to see me looking so boring. I could imagine the look of disgust in her eyes when I step out from the curtain.


Not one look of disapproval was displayed upon her face. She was either hiding it extremely well, or she was the only Malfoy with a kind heart.

"Anyway, it was lovely to see you Mrs. Malfoy" Pansy shook her hand. "I'm sure I will be seeing you with my mother and father over the holidays".

"Of course, dear" Mrs. Malfoy smiled sweetly in response. She waved to the shop owner, and headed towards the exit. Just as she was opening the door, she twirled round to face us once more. "You'd be foolish not to buy that dress" she whispered softly, and with that she smiled and left.

I bought the dress.

Well, Pansy bought the dress for me; after a good twenty minutes of bickering back and forth about it. I don't know when she decided that spending 48 Galleons on me would be a good idea, but she did.

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