The fact those three forgot your birthday and had bought a bouquet beforehand for her; hurt you more than it should. Halting your birthday song, your hands dropped to your sides. A scoff left your lips as you sat back on the seat. A part of you wanted to yell at the three and tear down the flowers; while the other thought about the consequences.

Before you could make up a decision, Hanseok, Sae Byeol's boyfriend had come in with a cake and a large gift box. You watched as Jeongin and the two sat back to their seats when Mr.Kang came back. It pained you to see how hurt Jeongin looked while he stared at Sae Byeol and Hanseok. But was that sadness painful than what you were going through?

Remembering back to a time when the four of you had played around in the art room, messing up each other's paintings; a smile embedded to your lips. Will those days ever come back? Or your friends have truly gone away?

The day had ended with silence between you four, as you walked out of the school building. Tomorrow the environment club was having a field trip, and of course, the four best friends were all together in the club. And as every story goes Sae Byeol and Hanseok were a part of the club too.

Currently walking down the small stairs of a shopping complex, you were closely following behind Jisung. Seungmin had wanted to buy a new bag and had insisted the three had to join him. "Try this" Jisung said as he held out a Shrek-themed backpack. Seungmin rolled his eyes and playfully punched him. Jeongin and you only laughed, pointing out more cartoon-themed bags.

You walked further into the store and immediately saw Sae Byeol. It's almost like wherever you four were, she would be there too. "Hey Y/N!" She called out as the friends beside her grimaced at you. You see, Sae Byeol was more determined to befriend you than cherish the ones that stuck to her side; clearly to attract a few boys to themselves beside the pretty girl.


"Are you buying something too? For the trip?" You shook your head as a no and smiled at her. "Not really" Sae Byeol let out a small chuckle and pointed over to a section of dresses. "Then can you help pick one for me?" You desperately wanted to run away from there and bang your head on a table. "Sure"

Avoiding the shiny eyes she gave you from time to time, you pulled out a green checkered dress. "That's cute!" Sae Byeol shrieked beside you and held the dress in her hand. You awkwardly nodded and looked up, only to see Jisung's eyes boring into Sae Byeol's side. "But it's too expensive for me urgh! Sorry y/n" She said before placing the dress back.

"It's okay! You can take it! I'll pay since I didn't get you any birthday gift" Sae Byeol immediately backed away and raised her hands in the air. "No no! I can't accept that-"

"Then I'll buy it for you, as y/n's gift" Hanseok's voice spoke from behind you. Sae Byeol stood still for a second and broke into a smile. "Aww, fine" As soon as the two began gushing and hugging, you gracefully slipped out from them and walked past Jisung. You were honestly getting frustrated with the situation. Brushing your shoulder against Jisung's and passing the other two on the way, you dashed back to your house.

The next day had come way too quickly. "I'm ending this shit" You muttered and pulled up your bag before getting on the bus. Sitting at the aisle right next to Sae Byeol and her chick friend wasn't your plan. But before you could get to the back seat, Hanseok had pulled you in to sit beside him while he sat at the window seat. Sae Byeol smiled at you before she began to talk to her friend.

"It's cold" Sae Byeol quietly stated, rubbing her arm in an attempt to find warmth. The bus was two hours away from the location and most of the kids have fallen asleep while some were still playing around. Hanseok was long asleep and clung to you like a koala. Holding in the urge to whack him, you reached inside your bag and pulled out a pink blanket; BangChan had compelled you to take it along. "Here" You blankly looked to the front, holding it out to Sae Byeol's reach. A blush spread across the girl's face as you side-eyed her.

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