I pull my lips into a pout, consciously attracting his eyes to that direction—only for them to darken. His hand came to my chin, angling it up to meet his lips.

"Kiss," He demanded, voice above a whisper in its darkened tone. I narrowed my eyes at him, not quite reaching his lips—though I immaturely poked my tongue out at him.

"Ask nicely," I said, giving him a pointed look. He rolled his eyes, gripping my chin and smashing his lips to mine. Unfortunately for me, he won. I melted against him, his lips soft and warm—as always.

He moved his lips against mine passionately, taking me in as his own.

When we pulled away, I smiled brightly, my breathing ragged as I leant back in my seat.

"Ask nicely next time," I mumbled, taking a cherry from his now-empty bowl. He smirked, watching me with daring eyes and I looked away from him.

"Come here," He demanded again. I narrowed my eyes at him and shoved the last piece of my waffle into my mouth, getting up, and leaving.

I went to the register and paid for our meals, then I walked right out of the shop and towards my car. Unlocking it, I slid into the driver's side and started the engine, though I didn't leave—waiting for him.

A few moments later, he came to the passenger side, climbing in easily and closing the door.

"Dramatic," He rolled his eyes, reclining back in his seat. My eyes widened as he passed me a wad of cash—landing on my lap, I took note of the stashes of hundred dollar notes.

"No, Roman. It was only $30," I said, passing him the money back and revving the engine. "Arabella," He warned, then stuffed the money inside my purse.

I scowled, reversing out of the parking spot and leading back onto the roads. "Now you're being dramatic,"

He scoffed, clenching his jaw annoyed—while he laced his hand through mine. I smiled, shaking my head at him.

The road ahead was clear, so me being me, I raced right down the street at the speed of lightning—smirking lightly as I ran several red lights.

I turned into a street, leading down to the shopping centre. Glancing at Roman, I smiled slightly at the brief smile on his lips.

"Amused, baby?" I sped into the parking lot, glimpsing as his bottom lip fell into his mouth. "Amused?" He questioned, raising an arched brow.

"Mhm," I hummed, parking into a spot. As I stopped the car and killed the engine, his hand was removed from my hold—replacing to my cheek.

He cupped my cheek, running his thumb up and down the cheekbone as he ran his eyes along with my features. "Kiss, please?" He whispered coldly, my tummy fluttering with butterflies at the sound of his voice.

"You're being greedy," I said, ignoring the dark look in his eyes as I grabbed my purse and went to open the car door.

His reply came as we both had exited the vehicle.

"No," He vowed, coming around the car to me. "You're mine,"

I rolled my eyes, glancing at the group of girls that were walking past us. They eyed him—enticing my allegiance to kiss the fuck out of him.

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