Money Is No Object

Start from the beginning

The doors did not actually look as if they went into the walls, for when a person looked at the inner edges of the frame, there was no way to distinguish that a separate panel had just enetered there.

This chamber was obviously built for egotistical rich people, and Era knew he'd be getting it. He'd decided that after nine years in awful conditions, Era would live like a king if he wanted. Harry may be forced to keep to a role in order for him to obtain information and stay under the radar, but Era refused to do so as well.

Easily the ceiling reached heights of fifteen feet, and the massive chamber was divided into two separate rooms by a normal sized door hidden in the back. The it was basically the opposite of an antechamber, with the front room being the bigger of the two by far. 

The first section must have been at least twenty by thirty feet, with lots of space. It was also not concrete as the others had been, rather it was formed with polish jade walls and what appeared to be a floor made of obsidian.

The second room was far more private, a quieter space that seemed somehow softer. It was a spherical room, excepting of course the floor was flat. It was twelve feet in diameter at floor level, and went up to about fifteen feet in diameter at it's widest point. The ceiling stretched up only ten feet at it's highest point and six and a half at the shortest distance from the flat floor to the top.

The room was rose quartz with veins of gold running through it, and it had a white marble floor. It was stunning, and Era fell immediately in love with the room. It had a door that if he closed, would morph so that it completed the spherical shape of the room and return to an average door when opened. 

On the other side, in the large jade room, the door closed and melted in seamlessly to the walls, leaving no hint that a secret room was even there if one did not know previously of it's existence. 

Era loved it.

He left the room and said immediately to the two goblins, "How much for Vault 315?"

Windlash looked up at him in owlish surprise, saying, "Well, to rent it, it costs 1,500 galleons a month."

"No," Era said firmly, "How much to buy it?"

Windlash gulped at stared at him in astonishment before saying, "You-You want to-to buy it? Outright? Well, Your Majesty-It's the most expensive vault we have available, it's currently listed as costing twenty three million galleons. . ."

"Very well. I shall buy it outright. Can we go finalize the paperwork now? Oh, and I would like to alter it so that it only opens to me."

"I-if you b-buy it then it's yours to do with as you p-please. . . You can do anything you like to it. It even passes to whoever your beneficiary is if you die. It's your property. A-and o-of c-course we can f-finalize the paperwork today, no problem."

"Very good then."

At that point, Ilium, who'd been quiet since before the vaults were opened, spoke up, "We can go over the documents in my office," and so off they went, Era once again playing follow the leader with the two goblins.

When the trio got situated in the office, the papers were set out on the desk. Windlash went over each page, carefully combing through and dictating what he read to Era, making absolutely certain he knew what everything he was about to sign meant. 

He listened enough to get all the information, but really wasn't all that interested in the legal side of it all. The process was very tedious, and while he'd learned incredible patience in his years with the Dursleys, he absolutely loathed boredom. It made him antsy.

It took over an hour for the goblin to be satisfied with the explanations he made. Windlash had gone over every particular, every stipulation and benefit that had been in the papers. Era experienced a crushing sense of relief when at last it was indicated as time to sign.

He scrawled his name out along every line marked out as one of his. Era's signature was bold and very distinctive, he'd even gone to the trouble of laying a charm to make it impossible to forge.

Iliam signed next, his own signature rather compact with the exception of first and last letters. Since he was the bank owner, he signed as the bank representative, because it made more sense than having him be the witness.

Windlash was the witness, and last to sign. His writing was so minute that the only letters Era could really make out were few and far between. The papers were then stacked together and put into a file. At last, the paperwork was done.

"How would you like for me to transfer funds to the bank?"

"Oh, I can take you to the waist and just have you deposit the money there. If you wish, I'll get staff to come and assist you. Once everything is deposited, my staff will go through to ensure everything is settled, and as they do that you can start making deposits to your own vault. It's yours now, after all."

"I require no assistance in transferring the money. I am set to go ahead and do it now it that is ameanable to you?"

Iliam just nodded to him, and once again they were traversing the many halls, tunnels and levels of the bank, this time once more without Windlash. He'd returned to his post, as his job with them was done.

The vault containing the bank's money was very deep down, far deeper than Era's own vault. It was number 10,085 and it demanded a drop of Iliam's blood to open rather than a simple pattern performed on the stone by his hands.

Both of them stepped inside, and Era immediately went over to a large open space. The vault was massive, far larger than Era's own, and filled with an unbelievable amount of galleons, sickles, knuts, jewelry, fancy goblets, diamonds, gemstones. . . Basically anything valuable.

Focusing back on the task at hand, Era pulled magic from his core and sent it pulsing through the rest of him in hot, satiny, ever growing waves of heady magic. Power wasn't simply in him, it was him.

There was so much power just at the surface, in his body, at that moment, if he wished to he could bring the entire bank crashing down into a pile of so much rubble. He could tear all of diagon alley apart with a whisper of thought.

Not wishing for such things, mass destruction was not his aim, he picked up a single galleon from the stack next to him and arrowhead his magic in on it.

The magic dissected all that the coin was, every minute detail, until he knew more about the physical and chemical makeup of the coin than any other being on the Earth.

Using all his newfound knowledge, he converted his magic into the creation of more coins. They appeared in stacks of one hundred at first, his magic was still learning this path of forming, but soon the path became well trod on and they started to come more quickly.

The rate of increase was skyrocketing, coins coming faster and faster, and then more came at a time. They came by the thousands, but that shifted to the hundred thousands in the span of two seconds. 

In the vault, he'd reached twenty-three million coins, and he started to send the coins his magic wouldn't stop producing into his own vault.

Era closed his eyes. His magic was an expanse made up of colossal oceans, and he hadn't so much as taken a full ladle measure from it. His magic simply wanted to keep flowing, and so he let it.

Millions of galleons were coming at a time now, multiple times in a second. When he'd made himself a billionaire many times over, he decided it was time to stop.

The magic however, didn't wish to stop. It continued to fill him up, and his body was not designed to contain so much power. He'd opened the tap, and there was an entire ocean trying to force its way through that quarter-sized opening. 

He couldn't close it.

What should he do with the magic though?

It was painfully hot, his skin felt as if it were being cooked, which was far more pleasant than what was going on inside of it.

Era was going to explode if he didn't find a way to release the magic. He'd become a bomb of pure energy, and likely would cause such a massive reaction that all life on Earth would be decimated. He had to fix this, fast, or he and everyone else on this planet were going to die in the next thirty seconds.

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