Her Diary Page - II

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The year 2060, March 26th.

I bought a bit of land and the TV station... and broadcasted in this district that there's a World War 3.

The land too... I bought the whole district. It's okay since I still have money I made in Dubai... ^^Heheheh... 

Today, I kidnapped Hyunjoong-ssi's wife and hit her a few times and she says she's leaving for Korea because she's scared. So I... sent her thereby express post. I recorded her crying too...

Should I start the fireworks now...?


Ah, right... before I do that, I should eat rice with the remaining broth in the bathtub~~^^

@#$%%%#@#%$@%#Ah~~ That was good. 

Nos.. 3...2...1... Mmm. 

As expected, with the land sinking, Hyunjoong-ssi goes down too. kk.

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