His Letter

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Hello Jungmin-ssi.

I've done photoshoots since the morning today and looking at the pictures that came out Jungmin-ssi was in all the photos in front of me.
When were you sitting in front of me with that smirk????
As expected, Jungmin-ssi is scary.... hhhh

I'm going to Korea this week. You're not following me again, are you????

I know it all. The daily dissing and torturing of Hyung Jun is just so you won't get caught as a fan, right?

I know it all so why don't you try torturing someone else?

Mmmm..... Kyujong ????? Youngsaeng ????? Since it doesn't like you'll torture me since you like me... I'll give up on that.

Ah!!! You can sleep without earplugs and eye covers now. Because I'm going to be moving.To a room that'll take about... 19 seconds to walk from Jungmin-ssi's room. So I guess I can't play the guitar that Jungmin-ssi likes for you anymore. Please don't cry because I'm moving.

Gasp!!! Even now, you were watching me from behind me. In a panic, I changed the browser window..... Fortunately, you didn't see me write. If you saw it, you would have hit me again because you like me too much. - -

I'll stop writing now.

Ah! And I'll give the belt back to you. It was too big because it was previously used by Jungmin-ssi.

Your celebrity, Kim Hyun Joong.

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