After saying our goodbyes, I hang up the phone and start packing for my road trip to New Orleans. I couldn't wait to see them after all this time. I mean I did see aunt Freya before I finished my transition into the tribrid but it still feels like that was longer than it actually was. I didn't really need to pack too much because I still had so much at the manison. I had my room full of art supplies, clothes, and anything else I needed, so I knew I didn't need much. I mainly just needed my hygiene supplies and anything I had with me that I couldn't go anywhere without.

Josie's P.O.V.
    Lizzie had been trying to get me or Landon to ask Hope if she would want to go to a party, she plans on throwing. She thinks it'd be good since we've all been through so much recently. I knew Hope wouldn't be down for it but I also knew Lizzie wouldn't shut up about it until we asked. I started to head towards Hope's room to ask her. When I get there, I see Landon already standing at her door about to knock on it. I guess he heard my footsteps because he turned to look at me. "Here because of Lizzie?" He asks me and I just give him a look, knowing he knew what I was telling him because he gave me a nod. "Come in." I hear Hope through the door. I had forgotten she would be able to hear us without even knocking on the door.

    When I open the door, we both see Hope with a packed bag, sitting on her bed. "Hope, we had come to see if you wanted to go to a party Lizzie is throwing but now I have to ask. What's with the bag?" I asked and Hope looked at her bag and then back at us. "Hope, are you leaving?" I heard Landon speak up, sounding hurt at the thought of Hope leaving. That didn't occur to me until he spoke up. "Hope?" I asked, wondering if Landon was right. "It's only for a little while guys." When Hope said that she was going to be gone for a little while, my heart sank at the thought of not being able to see her everyday. Why do I always feel like this when I don't get to see her? Before I could say anything else, I see Landon walk in and to Hope. Whenever I see Landon close to Hope, I get a strange feeling but never know what it is or why.

Landon's P.O.V.
    I can't but feel like her leaving is my fault. I look at Hope, not wanting to let her go. "Where are you going? How long will you be gone? Is it because of tha-" I feel Hope grab my hands to calm me down. "Landon, calm down." I hear her say and I took a breath to calm down more. "Sorry." I noticed how Hope glanced at Josie and then let go of my hands. I just assume it's because she doesn't want to make Josie uncomfortable or anything so I don't ask any questions. Josie stands by the door, not coming in the room. She looks upset but why wouldn't she be upset about her best friend leaving town?

    "I'm just going home to New Orleans. My family is going to help me with the thirst. I've already talked to Dr. Saltzman and he's okay with it. It's not forever so can you both stop looking at me like I just told you I'm moving to some desolate island?" Hope added a little chuckle to the end of her sentence. "Let me come with you." I blurt out and Hope looks at me like she's trying to decide if I can come with. "Landon, I don't know. You being around while I'm dealing with the thirst? I don't think it'd be a good idea." I feel disappointed but assumed she would say something like that. "I want to go too." I hear Josie say and turn to see her walking into the room. Maybe we can both convince Hope to let us go.

Josie's P.O.V.
    I move in closer to Hope and Landon. "No Jo, it's too dangerous. I don't want to hurt either one of you." I look at Hope and shook my head. "No Hope. We want to come for support. And I trust you, I know you won't hurt us." "Hope, we want to be there for you. We both trust you." I hear Landon speak up. Hope is looking at both of us, like she still thinks it's a bad idea but also thinking about it. "Plus it'll be good for us. It'll be like a little vacation from here after everything we've all been through." I knew Hope would agree with that part. I could see she's really thinking about it. "You two aren't going to let it go if I don't say yes, right?" She asked and both Landon and I smiled at Hope. "No, probably not." "Yeah we both can be pretty stubborn like you." Landon says, making Hope roll her eyes at us. "You have to talk to your dad first and I have to check with my family but I guess you can since I know neither of you will stop until you win." I pull Hope into a hug and Landon joins in as if he was feeling left out. "It'll be fun and we will be there for support." I said and could feel my heart beating a bit faster from just hugging Hope. I didn't know why my heart reacted this way around Hope but I tried my best to slow it down, knowing Hope would be able to hear how fast my heartbeat got. "Oh and Lizzie will probably want to go too so she's not left out so you should probably tell her too." I hear Hope say and I knew she was right. Lizzie wouldn't let me hear the end of it, if I left without her. We finally pull away from the hug, which leaves me a little disappointed but why? "Well I guess we should go talk to my dad." I said and looked to Landon. "And I'll call my aunt and ask her if it's okay to have some extra guests." "Will you guys have room for all of us?" Landon asked and I hear Hope chuckle at what he asked. Hearing her chuckle, I couldn't stop myself from smiling. "Landon, my family are the Mikaelsons, you really think they would live in a small surburban home? We definitely have room for 3 other people.  Now go, tell Lizzie and your dad." Hope said and we smiled at her before leaving the room.

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