After I pulled away, each of them took one of my hands, placing a kiss on my knuckles. I looked at Tulia wide eyed, not knowing how to react.

"You're pretty." Megan said, letting go of my hand. Then two of them backed up, giving one another a knowing look.

"I- thank you, so are you." I stumbled over my words, finding it hard to form a sentence at the moment.

All of them were attractive, and the tension wasn't doing anything to calm my nerves.

"This y'all first time here, right!?" Bas asked, averting the conversation. Tulia and I nodded, instinctively intertwining hands.

"Oh we definitely gotta make sure y'all have fun." Yuri said, "The four of us are hostin' the party that mostly everyone is here for. A lot of people are scattered obviously, but we have a section if y'all wanna come sit for a minute." They gestured to one of the elevated closed-off areas against the walls off the club.

"We was actually gonna head to the bar real quick, scope out the place more, then we'll come up there!" Tulia answered.

Bas nodded, "That's fine, we over here at the end section, hella hookah's on the table! You see it?" She moved closer and pointed us in the direction.

I spotted it first, "Yeah I see it, we'll come up after!"

"Don't be too long." Alana said, making eye contact with me from over her cup. I nodded, a bit flustered, and turned around quickly, dragging Tulia in the direction of the bar.

I heard her fussing at me for pulling her, but I didn't pay it no mind. I found us two empty seats and we sat down.

I looked at her in shock, "What was that with Alana and Megan? I was not prepared-"

Tulia chuckled, cutting me off, "Girl calm it down. Megan and Alana have an... open relationship some may call it. They have threesomes often, and they always looking for a girl to join them. I was just as shocked when they greeted me like that the first time we met. But if you let them know you not interested, they'll stop, I promise." She assured.

I nodded, letting out a breath of relief. I mean they were both beautiful, but I don't need to get involved in nothing like that right now.

I needed a drink.

"Excuse me!" I called, trying to get one of the bartender's attention.

One of them looked up, making their way over to me. Her hair was pulled back into a slick bun, and she had several face piercings. They had pronouns on their name tag, which read "she/they".

"What can I do for you two?" She glanced up, pouring some pink mixture into a couple glasses.

I eyed it curiously, "What is that?"

They smirked, "We call it 'Pinky', the alcohol mixed in is tequila, but that's all I can tell you."

Tulia looked at me in question and I nodded, giving her my answer. "Can we get two of those?"

She nodded in response, turning to one of her co-workers, "Ray, two Pinky's for the pretty ladies," and walked off to prepare more drinks.

Soon enough, our drinks were sat in front of us, by who I'm assuming is Ray. They looked identical, an ombre of pink filling the cup, and salt coating the rim. I don't know why but looking at it made me excited.

I grabbed mine, "First drink of the night suga'."

Tulia held hers up, "Cheers?"

I clinked her glass, "Cheers whore."


"Alana, how the fuck did that happen?!" Bas asked, laughing hysterically.

Alana, who was sitting on Megan's lap, slurred her words as she gave us details of a rather unfortunate event.

"I-I don't knowww. I was hitting it, from the b-back..." she trailed off smirking at Megan, to which said girl shook her head. "Then the strap just came off the h-harness!" Alana pouted.

Tulia began to laugh as well, rocking from side to side and nearly knocking my drink out my hand. This was my first and only cup of Casamigos, I was already tipsy and not in the mood to get drunk.

"Damn, you was hitting it that hard?" Yuri asked, their body nuzzled into my other side. Bas told me Yuri gets clingy when weed is in their system. I didn't mind though, I found it cute.

Alana nodded, "I was knocking her shit loose-"

"Alright that's enough of this storytime!" Megan interrupted, beckoning Alana to calm down. She was already too far gone, soon losing her train of thought and giggling at something unknown to us.

I heard Steve Lacy come on, making my ears perk up at the artist and song choice.

I guess I wasn't the only one either.

"This m-my shitttt!" Alana stuttered, standing up and almost immediately tripping over thin air.

Bas, Tulia, Yuri, and I all looked at each other, doing our best to hold in a laugh but failing. I folded over, as did Tulia, laughing until our stomach's started to hurt. It wasn't even that Alana fell hard, but everyone's laugh made it that much funnier.

"Y'all stop," Megan demanded, even though she was snickering as well. She helped Alana up and they went to go dance, leaving us four together.

Yuri made themself more comfortable, head resting on my shoudler, blowing O's with the hookah. I calmed myself down, taking another sip from my cup.

"So Tulia, what you been on?" Bas asked from her spot on the couch across from us, talking loudly because of the music. I glanced at Tulia from my peripheral, seeing her cheeks flush.

I had peeped the two of them being flirty all night, it was almost cute, but I didn't know Bas well enough to root for that.

"Nothing to be honest, school, keeping my clients coming, hanging out with this one," she brought me into a side hug, "I been chilling."

"What about relationship shit?" Bas asked, making eye contact briefly.

Tulia shook her head, "I ain't been fucking with nobody recently."

Bas smiled, "Noted."

I felt Yuri shifting on my side, sitting up slightly. They checked her phone and looked up at us, "My other friend Sunni should be up here in a second, she said she just walked in!"

"Who's Sunni?" I whispered to them.

"My best friend since grade school, love her ass to death," Yuri whispered back to me.

"Her name is pretty," I added.

"Tell her that when she gets here."

I nodded, deciding I would tell her.

We started some random conversation, ending up on the topic of ice cream flavors. Just as I was about to tell them chocolate chip cookie dough was the best, Yuri abruptly got up, heading towards someone. The stature looked familiar, but I couldn't clearly see their face.

The mystery person and Yuri hugged briefly, then came back over to the section. They gave Bas a hug as well, finally turning to Tulia and I.

I recognized her face, she was the girl from the restaurant.

She was Sunni.

We made eye contact and I watched the range of emotions hit her face, resulting in a small smile.

"Aphrodite?" She asked, almost in disbelief.

I nodded shyly, "Yeah it's me... hi Sunni."


soooo... they about to get a proper greeting :)))

how y'all feel about the club atmosphere??

i really enjoyed writing this chapter, and i hope y'all enjoyed reading it. don't forget to vote and comment.

i love y'all <3

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