Chapter 13

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"Jieun ah...TaeDo is having another basketball game next week. Do you want to go? I want you to see how great they are," Hyeri said during lunch. "Taehyung is supposed to play..."

"Taehyung?!" I asked. "You like him that much?"

Hyeri suddenly went red. "Who said?!"


"I meant...Jeon Jungkook is playing..." she muttered.

Jungkook...? Was that why he was practicing...?

"Oh..." I said, looking down at my food.

"Don't you want to see him play? I heard that he is the best player out of all of them," Hyeri said, smiling. "He rarely misses the basket."

"What do you mean?"

"He's so good that he rarely misses. Barely anyone has seen him miss a basket. He started playing when he was a kid. I heard that on his first try, he made it in!"


That didn't make any sense...

You need practice to be good at basketball...

Besides, didn't I just see him miss a few balls yesterday?

I shrugged and just continued to eat. It would be fun to see Jungkook play see how good he was...


After school, Hyeri had to stay to clean the bathrooms because she got caught eating during class. When will she ever learn...*sigh*

"Who's that guy at the gate?" I heard some girls whisper.

"He's hot!!! Go ask him if he has a girlfriend!" another girl said.

"I wonder who he's waiting for..."

I looked curiously to see who they were talking about....



Jeon Jungkook was leaning against the gate again, smoking. At his feet was a basketball...

I cautiously walked up to him. He suddenly looked up shocked and then tried to hide the cigarette behind his back.

"Oppa? What are you doing here?" I asked, looking at him. He was holding something. "Are you smoking?"

He suddenly turned red. "No..."


He lied...? But why would he lie? He was someone who was supposed to be more important than me. Someone that was more popular. He was, after all, the jjang of TaeDo high...

"I smell something burning ..." I said, sniffing the air.

"Oh fuck..." he muttered, dropping the cigarette. It seemed to have burnt a hole through the back of his school shirt.

I tried to hide my smile as I watched him brush off the ashes.

"Hey...isn't that Lee Jieun?"

"What's she doing with him?"

"Who does she think she is? Some princess?!"

I quickly turned around to see the same girls I heard talking before. They were glaring at me.

"Let's go..." I said, still keeping an eye on the girls.

"Why?" he asked, looking at the people I was looking at. "YAH! STOP STARING."




That worked too...

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