Chapter 3

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                                                            General POV

Bugs shot the ball while he thought of what to say to the team. The ball swished through the basket and he went to pick the ball up again. "Okay, okay, now, which of you maroons has ever played basketball before?" 

Y/n nodded and went to grab the ball from Bugs arms when Daffy jumped in front of Bugs saying "I have, coach. And thereth an important thtrategic quethtion I need to athk you." Bugs look confused but none the less replied with "Yes, yes?"

Daffy ran from the court as a runway appeared at his feet. He walked down the runway with his clothes changing as he went.

A green hula skirt with a yellow top and a purple flower belt

Dark red heels with a short red shirt and yellow shorts

Black and white striped shorts with white knee high socks and a red shirt with a big star on the front. To accessorize he wore red knee pads, red and white wrist weights, and his hair was done up in an afro.

Pink long sleeve shirt with a pale purple skirt and light purple pom-poms. He also wore pink leg warmers and his hair was done up in two blonde pigtails.

Blue hat with sumo wrestler bottoms and spiked teal and white shoes. He also wore red and yellow wrist weights and was holding a tennis racket.

The last outfit was a purple and yellow basketball jersey with some big purple shorts. "What do you think? Im kind of partial to purple and gold myself" He batted his eyelashes. "It goesth better with my colouring. A one, two, three, four." He said as he stepped to the side. "I'm rather partial to the pink cheerleader outfit with the cute little pig-tails" Y/n told Daffy stifling a laugh.

"Uh guys? N-N-Nice outfit Daffy" Porky complimented. "The l-little aliens say it's their turn to uh-uh-uh use th-th-the court." The aliens started to stretch their little arms and legs on the court.

"Yeah sure. Let the little pipsqueaks knock themselves out." Bugs told the pig walking away from the court together.

"Too bad you can practithe being taller, boyth." Daffy interjected before joining the two with Y/n walking beside him.

The sky darkened as the monsters unzipped a bag with a glowing basketball. Each of them held on to the ball as the powers transferred into their bodies. The Tunes turned around in time to see the once little aliens turn into big monsters 50 times their original size.

 The aliens' bones stretched through their skin as the powers took over their bodies. Their bones flickered with the thunder in the sky. They all looked down on the Tunes.

"Hey little pig." Said the blue one leaning down to meet Porky's eye level. "Boo." It said calmly.

"AHH!"  The pig flushed a deep red. "I w-wet myself."

The tall green one reached down to the basketball at their feet as he said "Time to play a little basketball" With that he bounced the ball so hard on the ground of the court it cracked around all the Looney's feet leaving them on an island of pavement. "Those little pipthqueaks jutht turned into thuperthtars" Exclaimed Daffy. "They're monsters!" Squaked Porky. "Suffering succotash, they're Monstars!" Sylvester told the Tunes.

It squished the basketball with two fingers as he and the Monstars walked away causing a building to crumble to the ground. 

"Eh, I think we might need a little bit of help." Bugs said. "A little? We need a miracle, Bugs." Y/n told him. "Yeah a miracle" repeated Daffy.

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