Chapter 1

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                                                                   Y/n's POV

"OW OW OW! Stupid tree." I look up at the tree I just banged into and back down at my toe. It doubled in size and was throbbing pink. I shook my paw to make the pain go away. "Would you look at that." My foot was now back to normal.

I looked up to see a space ship tearing through the sky. Not something uncommon. Things like that always happen in Tune Town especially with all the Looneys doing stupid things. I usually would be chasing Roadrunner and trying to not let Coyote get to him first but most of my time was spent hanging out with Bugs and Daffy. "God it's a wonder I'm still alive." I thought. 

BOOM. Yet another explosion. I went to go see what the fuss was about. As I hopped to the noise, I saw the space ship I saw earlier along with little aliens tying up Bugs Bunny.

I yelled out to him "Oi Bugs, quit playing pretend. Let's check out their ship." The aliens must have heard me because they turned to me and took out some type of gun the size of three of the little guys. 

My eyes widened and I hid behind a tree. 


The tree turned to ashes and fell to the ground. 

"Listen guys, no need to get personal" I chuckled nervously. The orange alien started spinning gears on the gun. "HEY BEHIND YOU" I yelled. They all spun around. With that I zoomed down the path to the center of Tune Town. 

There I found Daffy, Porky, Sylvester the Cat, Tweety,  Granny, Gossamer (The furry red guy), and Foghorn Leghorn (The Chicken).  "Guys there is this Spaceship with little creatures and they tied up Bugs and tried to burn me to a god damn crisp." Daffy looked up from the paper he was reading and said "Lithen Y/n, Thith ith my day off.  Bugth should be fine. We are in Tune Town. Nothing bad can happen here. Im thure iths nothing." 

"But Daffy-" I started but Porky cut me off. "We could go back and ch-ch-check i-i-if you'd like?" At least someone listened. I turn my head towards Daffy with a look of pleading and annoyance. "Sure Porky. Want to see if anyone else wants to go check?" I asked. He replied with "Yeah th-th-the more the m-m-merrier." 

"My feet hurt, and I'm starving." complained Sylvester, staring at Tweety with drool dripping from his mouth. "We're almost there, also you should learn to not be so obsessive about Tweety. It makes you seem like a creep." I replied.

30 seconds later we step into the area where the spaceship was. No aliens, and no Bugs Bunny. "I swear they were here!" I explained, looking around the back of the ship. 

"Wow y/n this ship looks crazy." Exclaimed Tweety. "I know right! The only thing that would make it crazier would be if those stupid monsters would show up" I huffed. 

"Let's s-s-s-s-s-earch th-th-the area" Porky suggested. 



"Let's do it"



                                                               Porky's POV

My legs are aching and my feet feel like they're about to fall off. I can't seem to find these aliens that Y/n was talking about. Were they lying? I really hope they weren't. I don't think Y/n would lie to us about this but she likes a good joke. What if this is a joke? What if Bugs was actually captured? What if-


"Y/n hi!"

"Is something wrong? You look a bit pale. Paler than usual" She added. She looked concerned for the little pig.

"Oh n-n-n-no everythings good. I j-j-j-just was a b-b-b-bit lost" I stammered. 

"Oh alright! We're all heading back now. Nobody has seen anything. I might have just imagined it after all" She told me.

"A-A-A-A-Alrighty. I g-g-guess ill go back with y-y-y-you then." I stuttered. 

As me and Y/n were walking along the path back to the town central we heard a loud voice over the whole town say "Go to the theatre at exactly 5:00 tonight for an emergency meeting or else there will be terrible consequences.'' 

"Oh no, I'm so scared! I wonder what kind of "Terrible consequences" there will be if I don't go!" Y/n mimicked. "Maybe I'll be sent off to live with the Humans or maybe I'll have to live off eating only bacon." She laughed. 

"I think i w-w-will g-g-go." I said. Y/n pretended to be hurt. "My friend Porky won't even miss this little get-together to hang out with me" They frowned and then smiled again. "Come on Porkster. We can hang out with all of Tune Town to ourselves." Y/n reasoned. 

I mean it would be pretty fun but I also want to know what's happening at the theatre. I don't want to miss out. But getting to play around in Tune Town when no one is there would be so cool. I have to pick but which one?

"I'll have t-t-t-to pass on y-y-y-your offer Y/n, i just really want to kn-kn-know what's  going on th-th-th-there." She looked hurt for a second but soon brushed it off and replied with "Aw man, I really thought I had you there, but it's fine. Having alone time is good for your mental health. I think." We continued walking and I could see some of the houses in Tune Town. There were the people that came with me and Y/n to the spaceship. They waved as we joined them

"So nobody had any luck seeing anything out of the ordinary?" A series of varies "No's" came from the mouths of the Looney Tunes. "I mean I saw a hole in the sky but that's all" Said Sylvester.  "A h-hole in the sky? W-W-Where?"  "Look up, no down, to the left, Up a bit more." The cat moved my head to point at the hole. "Yep now a little bit to the right, and there." He was right. There was a hole in the sky. Maybe thats how the spaceship got here..


                                                             Y/N's POV

"It was 4:45 and most of the Tunes were already in the theatre or heading there so I decided to go to the grocery store and get a bag of carrots. I walked in and smelled the supermarket air. Gross. All this food could feed the whole world. It was never ending. Whatever I took just magically popped back like I never took anything. 

Once I had the carrots scanned and paid for I strolled to the park. I saw Daffy running down the street with a shower cap on and a towel around his waist. "What an idiot." I thought.

Once my legs got tired, I headed back to the center of town to sit on one of the benches. It was 5:06. The "emergency meeting" was in place right now.

As I was finishing the last few carrots in the bag the same little aliens as before saw me and shot some lazer from their gun at me causing me to become paralized. Before I could process what was happening, they picked me up and dragged me to the back of the theatre. "Hey watch the hands" I said to the blue one. "Your ruining me ears you moron." I exclaimed to the green one.

Im freezing in the cold out here. It feels like my tail is going to fall of. I hear laughing from inside the building. Maybe I should've gone and then I wouldn't have been dragged out here. With that 3 of the aliens came outside and dragged me onto the stage. I could feel the numbness in some of my body start to wear off.

I looked into the crowd to see everyone in Tune Town staring at me. "What?" I said coldly.

What the hell is happening? I look to my left to see a chained up Bugs looking down at me. "See somethin funny?" He shook his head stifling a laugh. 

Yosemite Sam runs in with his guns going off yelling "We ain't going nowheres!"The orange alien took out his space ray and zapped Sam. He shrunk 5x smaller and his beard has blown off. Ashes stained his body leaving him in just his underwear. Jeez. Everyone put their hands up.

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