The Price of Freedom

Start from the beginning

Maybe the one writing something on a piece of paper? They could be writing down their next sinister plan to shatter the balance of the kingdoms.

The more the government official thought about it, the more anxious he got, even breaking into goosebumps. Well whatever they were going to buy, he'll make sure they don't get their hands on it.

Meanwhile back in the gang's booth, America parted from that stalemate with his guard, sitting back down properly on the couch. To left was Germany who was scribbling something onto a piece of paper.

"What are you writing?"

"I have an essay due for class tomorrow."

China propped himself behind them, arms supporting his upper body, "ah shit I forgot about that essay. Aw man there goes my score. Heh people would laugh if they knew about this." The Chinese man pretended to be all weepy about it.

A name that could strike fear into everyone's hearts, yet the one thing they were scared of... school deadlines.

"Now for our next item, we have quite a rare one, the seller asked us to auction this for a high price and I do agree it is worth that much." A large box shaped item was rolled onto the stage, the white cloth on it couldn't mask the jingling of chains and thrashing of whatever was in there.

Pulling the cloth down revealed a young man inside a cage, about the same age as the revolutionaries. A pair of shackles encircled his wrists, seeing as they were ability suppressors, he couldn't even hide his ability.

Green scales beneath the corners of his eyes as well as a pair of claws, matching in its color, it extended up to his elbows. Lastly was his tail, it wasn't like Russia's, China's or North's dragon tail, it resembled more of a lizard's tail, yet no doubt he was still one of their kind.

"This little fella is a dragon, the seller said it was real tough to get their hands on him, a lot of sedatives had to be used."

Gossipy whispers erupted from the crowd, "No horns or wings, is that really a dragon?"

"Would it even be a good servant?"

"It looks quite young.."

Next to the polish girl who was leaning on the edge, the Japanese man came and did the same. She noticed his nails digging into the railing as well as an odd expression on his face. Did he know the dragon?

Japan snapped his head to America, "your highness, can I ask a favor." He even went as far as to kneel down, to which America pulled him back up, "why are you kneeling? There's no need for that. What is it?"

"Can we buy the dragon?"

"Why do you hold an interest in this one?"

His head lowered, it seemed a bit shameful to say what he wanted to say, but he managed to mutter it out begrudgingly. "He was... once captured by my mother as a hostage and I..."

Albeit he never finished the sentence, anyone could read his guilty expression. Constantly, he glanced over to the stage whenever a higher bid was made, almost in a panicked manner.

A smirk crept up on America's face, "you got it."

America strutted to the railings next to Poland, by the side was a box with a blank number card on it. While holding it in his hands, whatever number he thought of would appear a second later on the card. How convenient.

"We have a 3000 gold coins bid, does anyone care to go higher?" Switzerland scanned the room for any more number cards, to his surprise, a massive bright light show illuminated a 10000 bid.

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