heartbreak holds me close and suddenly I remember you

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these hands
shaky hand flipping
through the last three pages
of a tragedy

a hero dies
a stray star falls
a prince leaves on
a horse-drawn carriage

there is no changing
of the ending

heartbreak is reaching
for the empty space in bed
leaving your fingers
in technicolored bruises

how can emptiness
break one’s bones
it is scrubbing your skin dry
raw and untouchable
where she once laid her kisses

heartbreak is your nails
digging through her letters
in utter despair
for invisible ink
a promise in the postscript
an estranged lover
in familiar flesh
only to find torn sheets
spilled wine
and finality

giving heartbreak a name but nothing defines the feeling of being left alone by you

an ocean of teardropsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora