You're beautiful 😊

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BlitzyWolf you gave me an idea and here I am- MAKING THIS SHIT.

It was a fresh autumn, cold evening. The midnight sky glimmering through the sleeping city. Stars shining so bright.
At UA high school dorms, sits shoto. A half n half person with a calm persona, looking at the stars. it mesmerized him, how they glimmer all night. He has been there ever since Mr. Aizawa proclaimed it was bedtime. He couldn't sleep, so he decided to stargaze.

Shoto looked at his side seeing his lover, Katsuki, staring at him.

"What's wrong Katsuki?" Shoto murmured. Turning his full attention at the rage head. "Oh nothing, love. You just look so beautiful right now." Katsuki cooed. Shoto had a small blush creeping onto his face.
"Oh shut it" Todoroki said puffing his cheeks out of emmbrasment.

Minutes turn into hours. He has been there for hours with his lover. In pure comfortable silence. But something bothered Shoto. He wanted to show that he loves and appreciate Katsuki, but doesn't know how. Before this wojderful evening, he researched 'How to show love and affection towards your partner'. He was, to say the least, embarrassed for typing that. But he needed to know. He doesn't want Katsuki to feel unloved. So out of all the stupidest advice he had gotten. He wanted to sing a passionate song.

"Bakugo, May I sing something" Shoto looked at him, breaking the silence.

"I guess Half n Half" Bakugo grumbled, wondering what shoto is going to do now.

"Alright" Sighing, he continued with song, feeling a bit nervous.

"When I see your face.." Shoto looked straight at Katsuki, in his eyes.

"There's not a thing that I would change"

"'Cause you're amazing" Katsuki shuffled, feeling his face hot.

"Just the way you are~"

Shoto smiled softly. Having his face red from emmbrasment.
He looked at katsuki. His smile turning into a small frown. He seems unfazed. 'Did I do something wrong'?

Katsuki closed his eyes and chuckled.

"Oh you idiot" He smirked and looked up at shoto, who seems confused and a bit sad. "Really doing this" he sighed.

"And when you smile" Katsuki sang softly.

"The whole world stops and stares for a while"

"'Cause boy, you're amazing" He smirked.

"Just the way you are~"

They both smiled, lost in each other's eyes. Shoto felt relieved that he finally showed his love towards the older. Slowly, Shoto grabbed Katsuki's rough hands.

"I love you Katsuki" He murmured softly

"I love you too half n half"



"Yes love?"

"You have to move on"


"I'm going to be okay"

"What.. No.."


"I love you half n half"

Todoorki sighed, feeling his presence gone.

"I love you too Katsuki.."

Yeah- I spam too much lmAo-

AHEM also bakugo is dead. Yeah

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