I wish I were..

635 13 3

This was a draft from December..
I decided to upload it without any changes :)

Todoroki and Midoriya was walking to school on this fine morning. Throughout the walk, Midoriya was rambling on about new heros coming about. Todoroki always listened, he really listened. Hearing every word that came out from his mouth.

Todoroki seemed to realize after the fight between them two, that he had feelings towards the green haired boy? He doesn't know what to do with these feelings. All he know is that he feels happy, and his stomach erupts into butterflies whenever Midoriya is talking to him or near him. Feeling his warm aura. He loved when Midoriya touched him in anyway, even if it was just to get his attention. His touches don't burn. They feel like a flower petal, so soft and wary.

By the time they arrived, Todoroki was already lost into Midoriya's rambling.

"Hey Todoroki" Midoriya said while walking through the hallway.
"Yes Midoriya?" Todoroki questioned, looking at him.

"Is it okay if Uraraka comes along with us after school?"

Midoriya stopped in the middle of the hall. Looking up at Todoroki, giving a hopeful expression.

Oh. Uraraka? Why?

The thing is, after school Todoroki and Midoriya will always go to a cafe or the nearby park. Where Midoriya will ramble and most of times vent. Todoroki being there listening, feeling pity because he wasn't there during his childhood. That was his and Midoriyas thing. But Uraraka is his friend.
He wasn't fond of the idea, but Midoriya looked so happy. So he agreed.

He can't be selfish now. He's so close.

"I also need to tell you something.. but I will save that for after school!"
Midoriya stated after taking his seat. "Alright Midoriya"

Todoroki walked towards at the back of the classroom, trying to get into his seat.
He sighed, and stared at Midoriya and Uraraka. They seem touchy today. Why?
He doesn't question it anymore, because Midoriya does this to him. He just seems more interested into Uraraka.

>Time skip< ○After school○

Todoroki didn't feel his butterflies, nor his warm feeling whenever he was near Midoriya. Instead he felt envy, a gross sticky feeling in his stomach. He doesn't like how Uraraka and Midoriya were taking to each other, as if they were together. Todoroki was just in the sidelines. Feeling uncomfortable about the situation.

As they were sitting down at a bench in the park, Midoriya started to talk. "So... Todoroki-kun.." Midoriya stammered. He looked uneasy.
"Yes Midoriya" Todoroki said while standing in front of him. There wasn't space on the bench, for Uraraka was next to Midoriya.

" W-welll Todoroki.. uhm.."

Todoroki felt something is wrong. The deep guilt inside is growing for some reason.

"Todoroki, Uraraka is my girlfriend.."

What? Girlfriend?
How? When? Why?

Oh.. They're together.. That explains it...

"Oh" todoroki said. That's all he can say. Why are they telling him this? What did he do in order to gain this news. This awful news.

~~~ >time skip< ~~~

Their classmates were happy for them of course. Of course they were.

Todoroki wasn't. He really wasn't. He would cry all nights out of misery and regret.
He was too scared to even talk to Midoriya. But if he at least suck it up and told him about his feelings. They could have been together.
Everytime he sees Midoriya and Uraraka cuddling or doing something couple related. He felt awful. He wished she was dead.
What kind of friend wants their own friend dead. They're think he's a monster if he showed his true feelings about the new couple.

One evening, Todoroki came back to the dorms, tired and unmotivated. All he need is to go to his dorm. Just to sleep.

As he was walking down the common room. He saw Midoriya and Uraraka on the couch, watching a movie. They were hugging and giving small kisses to each other. Uraraka was wearing a sweater from Midoriya. They seem happy.
Todoroki felt more awful. His eyes became watery, he wanted to cry. But not in front of everyone. So he quickly walked to his dorm to let it all out. All his bottled up feelings.

"I'll be right back deku!" Uraraka said while getting up from the couch.

End. That's it. Want more?

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