After a while of petting and baby talking to him (they really can't help it), Egypt stops. "Wait- do you hear that?"

Greece looks at her. "No, what is it?"

"Listen." She says, petting Rome's head.

Greece listens in. " He's purring. Dragons only do that when they are extremely happy, or relaxed. " He said excitedly.

"Yeah. He must be getting used to us." Egypt says. She looks at him and tries to get the blanket out of his face. "Come on out, bud."

Rome feels movement. He pokes his head out and sees the two countries. He whimpers and wants to hide again but feels a gentle finger pet his head.

"It's okay, Rome." Greece smiles and keeps petting him. Rome squeaks before sniffing Greece. Greece lets him. Rome looks at him with curious golden eyes.

Egypt pets the side of Rome's head. Rome lets her.

They both think Rome is calm enough and used to them where they could let him go and he'd stay close.

Egypt sets the baby dragon in the blanket down.

Rome was confused about what was happening. He doesn't feel hands around him. He pokes his head out before seeing he was on a bed. He slowly steps out and sees Egypt and Greece.

He wasn't sure what to do. He wasn't too scared, more of just nervous.

Rome slowly goes closer.

Greece smiles and pets Rome's head. "Good boy."


Egypt noticed that Rome wouldn't go far from them. He'd follow them like a dog. Which is what he was doing right now.

Rome was cleaning himself like a cat while Greece set some things up so he and Egypt could go hunting, they were low on food.

"Got everything?" Egypt asks, after watching Rome for a little bit.

"Yep! All set. We got out two lanterns, a blanket, our killing gear, fire-making gear, and a bag where we put the meat in." Greece says pointing to everything they had.

Egypt smiles. Then looks down at Rome. "What about him?" Rome perks up and looks up at Egypt and smiles. "I feel he'd run off if we left him outside."

"Ok, then let's put him inside and set the door so no one can come in but by your wind powers." Greece picks up Rome, who squeals every time he's picked up.

He sets Rome on his own bed.

"Sit, Rome," Greece instructs. Rome does as he's told. "Good boy." He pets Rome's head. "Now stay here."

Greece pulls his hand away and starts to go toward the door. Rome gets up and follows on all fours.

Greece tries to close the door, but Rome puts his arm in the way. Rome whimpers not wanting them to go.

Greece tries again, and again but Rome won't let them leave.

Egypt sighs, "Here. You quickly place him down, then I'll shut the door as soon as you're out." Greece nods.

Greece picks Rome up, he hovers over the bed, before plopping him down and bolting out and Egypt shut the door.

When Rome was put down he ran after Greece but was beat. He scratches on the door and barks.

Greece and Egypt frown, "Sorry, bud. But it's for your safety. We'll be back." Greece apologetically said.

They both started to walk away when suddenly Rome roars, and he sounds like he's in pain.

(Canceled) Hiraeth - Couthyhumans Mafia AUजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें